Mailing List Archive

Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD)

Pardon my ignorance, but I've tried for quite some time now to get Trac to use AD for logins.

When I go to the /login page, I get an error message:
Cannot find implementation(s) of the IPasswordStore interface named DirAuthStore. Please check that the Component is enabled or update the option [account-manager] password_store in trac.ini.

And I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what that means. I think I've already set that up in trac.ini.

Any help and advice is much appreciated, thanks.

This is what I have installed:
(tracinst) www-data@amgtrac01:~$ pip list installed
Package Version
------------------ ---------
Babel 2.13.1
docutils 0.20.1
html5lib 1.1
Jinja2 3.1.2
MarkupSafe 2.1.3
pip 23.3.1
psycopg2-binary 2.9.9
pyasn1 0.5.1
pyasn1-modules 0.3.0
Pygments 2.17.2
python-ldap 3.4.4
regex 2023.10.3
setuptools 66.1.1
six 1.16.0
textile 4.0.2
Trac 1.6
TracAccountManager 0.6.dev0
TracPermRedirect 3.0
webencodings 0.5.1
(tracinst) www-data@amgtrac01:~$

And this is my trac.ini(well, only the parts related to this) -with line numbers:
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 [account-manager]
4 cache_ttl = 90
5 cache_memsize = 400
6 cache_memsize_warn = 300
7 dir_pagesize = 5000
8 dir_basedn = ou=jtl,dc=jtl,dc=local
9 dir_binddn = cn=JTLLDAP,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=jtl,dc=local
10 dir_bindpw = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
11 dir_charset = utf-8
12 dir_scope = 1
13 dir_timeout = 5
14 dir_uri = ldaps://
15 email_attr = mail
16 group_basedn = ou=Groups,ou=jtl,dc=jtl,dc=local
17 group_validusers = @GRP_CAT2_Clearance
18 group_expand = 1
19 name_attr = displayName
20 password_store = DirAuthStore
21 user_attr = sAMAccountName
45 [components]
46 acct_mgr.adauth = enabled
47 acct_mgr.api.accountmanager = enabled
48 acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = disabled
49 acct_mgr.http.httpauthstore = disabled
50 acct_mgr.pwhash.htdigesthashmethod = disabled
51 acct_mgr.register.basiccheck = disabled
52 acct_mgr.register.bottrapcheck = disabled
53 acct_mgr.register.emailcheck = disabled
54 acct_mgr.register.emailverificationmodule = disabled
55 acct_mgr.register.regexpcheck = disabled
56 acct_mgr.register.usernamepermcheck = disabled
57 acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule = disabled
58 acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule = enabled
59 acct_mgr.web_ui.resetpwstore = disabled
60 tracext.dirauth.api.userextensiblepermissionstore = enabled
61 tracext.dirauth.auth.dirauthstore = enabled
62 tracext.dirauth.db.directoryauthpluginsetup = enabled
63 permredirect.filter.permredirectmodule = enabled
64 trac.web.auth.loginmodule = disabled

And this is the debug log output, also with line numbers:
2 2023-12-12 12:54:00,924 Trac[env] INFO: -------------------------------- environment startup [Trac 1.6] --------------------------------
3 2023-12-12 12:54:00,942 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.admin" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
4 2023-12-12 12:54:01,057 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.api" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
5 2023-12-12 12:54:01,057 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.db" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
6 2023-12-12 12:54:01,058 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.htfile" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
7 2023-12-12 12:54:01,059 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.http" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
8 2023-12-12 12:54:01,059 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.macros" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
9 2023-12-12 12:54:01,060 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.notification" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
10 2023-12-12 12:54:01,060 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
11 2023-12-12 12:54:01,070 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg [announcer]": DistributionNotFound: The 'TracAnnouncer; extra == "announcer"' di
11 stribution was not found and is required by the application
12 2023-12-12 12:54:01,070 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.opt.radius" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
13 2023-12-12 12:54:01,080 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "acct_mgr.opt.radius = acct_mgr.opt.radius [pyrad]": DistributionNotFound: The 'Pyrad; extra == "pyrad"' distribution was not found and is requir
13 ed by the application
14 2023-12-12 12:54:01,080 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
15 2023-12-12 12:54:01,089 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg [forms]": DistributionNotFound: The 'TracForms; extra == "forms"' distribution w
15 as not found and is required by the application
16 2023-12-12 12:54:01,089 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
17 2023-12-12 12:54:01,098 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg [screenshots]": DistributionNotFound: The 'TracScreenshots; extra ==
17 "screenshots"' distribution was not found and is required by the application
18 2023-12-12 12:54:01,098 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
19 2023-12-12 12:54:01,107 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg [vote]": DistributionNotFound: The 'TracVote; extra == "vote"' distribution was no
19 t found and is required by the application
20 2023-12-12 12:54:01,107 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.pwhash" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
21 2023-12-12 12:54:01,108 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.register" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
22 2023-12-12 12:54:01,108 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.svnserve" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
23 2023-12-12 12:54:01,109 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
24 2023-12-12 12:54:01,110 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "permredirect.filter" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
25 2023-12-12 12:54:01,112 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.about" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
26 2023-12-12 12:54:01,113 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.admin.console" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
27 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.admin.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
28 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.attachment" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
29 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.db.mysql" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
30 2023-12-12 12:54:01,126 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "trac.db.mysql = trac.db.mysql_backend [mysql]": DistributionNotFound: The 'PyMySQL; extra == "mysql"' distribution was not found and is required
30 by the application
31 2023-12-12 12:54:01,126 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.db.postgres" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
32 2023-12-12 12:54:01,162 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.db.sqlite" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
33 2023-12-12 12:54:01,163 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.mimeview.patch" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
34 2023-12-12 12:54:01,163 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.mimeview.pygments" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
35 2023-12-12 12:54:01,176 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.mimeview.rst" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
36 2023-12-12 12:54:01,213 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.mimeview.txtl" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
37 2023-12-12 12:54:01,249 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.notification.api" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
38 2023-12-12 12:54:01,249 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.notification.mail" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
39 2023-12-12 12:54:01,250 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.notification.prefs" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
40 2023-12-12 12:54:01,251 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.prefs" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
41 2023-12-12 12:54:01,251 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
42 2023-12-12 12:54:01,252 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.admin" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
43 2023-12-12 12:54:01,256 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.batch" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
44 2023-12-12 12:54:01,257 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.notification" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
45 2023-12-12 12:54:01,257 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.query" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
46 2023-12-12 12:54:01,259 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
47 2023-12-12 12:54:01,261 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.roadmap" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
48 2023-12-12 12:54:01,262 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.ticket.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
49 2023-12-12 12:54:01,265 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.timeline" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
50 2023-12-12 12:54:01,266 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.versioncontrol.admin" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
51 2023-12-12 12:54:01,266 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.versioncontrol.svn_authz" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
52 2023-12-12 12:54:01,267 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.versioncontrol.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
53 2023-12-12 12:54:01,272 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.web.auth" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
54 2023-12-12 12:54:01,272 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.web.main" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
55 2023-12-12 12:54:01,273 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.web.session" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
56 2023-12-12 12:54:01,273 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
57 2023-12-12 12:54:01,274 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
58 2023-12-12 12:54:01,274 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
59 2023-12-12 12:54:01,275 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
60 2023-12-12 12:54:01,275 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
61 2023-12-12 12:54:01,276 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.perm.authz_policy" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
62 2023-12-12 12:54:01,277 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
63 2023-12-12 12:54:01,278 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.ticket.clone" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
64 2023-12-12 12:54:01,279 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.ticket.commit_updater" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
65 2023-12-12 12:54:01,280 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.ticket.deleter" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
66 2023-12-12 12:54:01,280 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.versioncontrol.git.git_fs" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
67 2023-12-12 12:54:01,284 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_fs" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
68 2023-12-12 12:54:01,286 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_prop" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
69 2023-12-12 12:54:01,287 Trac[default_workflow] DEBUG: Workflow actions at initialization: defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'accept': {'oldstates': ['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'], 'newstate'
69 : 'accepted', 'operations': ['set_owner_to_self'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'label': 'accept', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'create': {'oldstates': [None], 'newstate': 'new', 'default': 1, 'l
69 abel': 'create', 'name': '', 'operations': [], 'permissions': []}, 'create_and_assign': {'oldstates': [None], 'newstate': 'assigned', 'label': 'assign', 'operations': ['may_set_owner'], 'permissions
69 ': ['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'leave': {'oldstates': ['*'], 'newstate': '*', 'default': 1, 'operations': ['leave_status'], 'label': 'leave', 'name': '', 'permissions': []}, 'reass
69 ign': {'oldstates': ['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'], 'newstate': 'assigned', 'operations': ['set_owner'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'label': 'reassign', 'name': '', 'default': 0}
69 , 'reopen': {'oldstates': ['closed'], 'newstate': 'reopened', 'operations': ['del_resolution'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_CREATE'], 'label': 'reopen', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'resolve': {'oldstates
69 ': ['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'], 'newstate': 'closed', 'operations': ['set_resolution'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'label': 'resolve', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, '_reset': {'d
69 efault': 0, 'label': 'Reset', 'newstate': 'new', 'oldstates': [], 'operations': ['reset_workflow'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_ADMIN']}})
71 2023-12-12 12:54:01,313 Trac[main] DEBUG: Dispatching <RequestWithSession "GET '/login'">
72 2023-12-12 12:54:01,314 Trac[main] DEBUG: Chosen handler is <Component acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule>
73 2023-12-12 12:54:01,314 Trac[session] DEBUG: Retrieving session for ID '0e5625aac33ddeb97171b983'
74 2023-12-12 12:54:01,318 Trac[main] DEBUG: Negotiated locale: None -> en_GB
75 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[main] WARNING: [] HTTPInternalServerError: 500 Configuration error (Cannot find implementation(s) of the <code>IPasswordStore</code> interface named <code>Di
75 rAuthStore</code>. Please check that the Component is enabled or update the option <code>[account-manager] password_store</code> in trac.ini.), <RequestWithSession "GET '/login'">, referrer None
76 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[chrome] DEBUG: Prepare chrome data for request
77 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[api] DEBUG: action controllers for ticket workflow: ['ConfigurableTicketWorkflow']


Banedanmark, Digital Test Center
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V

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Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 5:16:37?AM UTC-8 Tony Brian Albers (XTOAL)


Pardon my ignorance, but I've tried for quite some time now to get Trac to
use AD for logins.

When I go to the /login page, I get an error message:
Cannot find implementation(s) of the IPasswordStore interface named
DirAuthStore. Please check that the Component is enabled or update the
option [account-manager] password_store in trac.ini.

And I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what
that means. I think I've already set that up in trac.ini.

Any help and advice is much appreciated, thanks.

This is what I have installed:
(tracinst) www-data@amgtrac01:~$ pip list installed
Package Version
------------------ ---------
Babel 2.13.1
docutils 0.20.1
html5lib 1.1
Jinja2 3.1.2
MarkupSafe 2.1.3
pip 23.3.1
psycopg2-binary 2.9.9
pyasn1 0.5.1
pyasn1-modules 0.3.0
Pygments 2.17.2
python-ldap 3.4.4
regex 2023.10.3
setuptools 66.1.1
six 1.16.0
textile 4.0.2
Trac 1.6
TracAccountManager 0.6.dev0
TracPermRedirect 3.0
webencodings 0.5.1
(tracinst) www-data@amgtrac01:~$

And this is my trac.ini(well, only the parts related to this) -with line
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 [account-manager]
4 cache_ttl = 90
5 cache_memsize = 400
6 cache_memsize_warn = 300
7 dir_pagesize = 5000
8 dir_basedn = ou=jtl,dc=jtl,dc=local
9 dir_binddn = cn=JTLLDAP,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=jtl,dc=local
10 dir_bindpw = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
11 dir_charset = utf-8
12 dir_scope = 1
13 dir_timeout = 5
14 dir_uri = ldaps://
15 email_attr = mail
16 group_basedn = ou=Groups,ou=jtl,dc=jtl,dc=local
17 group_validusers = @GRP_CAT2_Clearance
18 group_expand = 1
19 name_attr = displayName
20 password_store = DirAuthStore
21 user_attr = sAMAccountName
45 [components]
46 acct_mgr.adauth = enabled
47 acct_mgr.api.accountmanager = enabled
48 acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = disabled
49 acct_mgr.http.httpauthstore = disabled
50 acct_mgr.pwhash.htdigesthashmethod = disabled
51 acct_mgr.register.basiccheck = disabled
52 acct_mgr.register.bottrapcheck = disabled
53 acct_mgr.register.emailcheck = disabled
54 acct_mgr.register.emailverificationmodule = disabled
55 acct_mgr.register.regexpcheck = disabled
56 acct_mgr.register.usernamepermcheck = disabled
57 acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule = disabled
58 acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule = enabled
59 acct_mgr.web_ui.resetpwstore = disabled
60 tracext.dirauth.api.userextensiblepermissionstore = enabled
61 tracext.dirauth.auth.dirauthstore = enabled
62 tracext.dirauth.db.directoryauthpluginsetup = enabled
63 permredirect.filter.permredirectmodule = enabled
64 trac.web.auth.loginmodule = disabled

And this is the debug log output, also with line numbers:
2 2023-12-12 12:54:00,924 Trac[env] INFO: --------------------------------
environment startup [Trac 1.6] --------------------------------
3 2023-12-12 12:54:00,942 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.admin" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
4 2023-12-12 12:54:01,057 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.api"
from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
5 2023-12-12 12:54:01,057 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "acct_mgr.db"
from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
6 2023-12-12 12:54:01,058 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.htfile" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
7 2023-12-12 12:54:01,059 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.http" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
8 2023-12-12 12:54:01,059 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.macros" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
9 2023-12-12 12:54:01,060 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.notification" from
10 2023-12-12 12:54:01,060 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg" from
11 2023-12-12 12:54:01,070 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping
"acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.announcer.uid_chg
[announcer]": DistributionNotFound: The 'TracAnnouncer; extra ==
"announcer"' di
11 stribution was not found and is required by the application
12 2023-12-12 12:54:01,070 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.opt.radius" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
13 2023-12-12 12:54:01,080 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping
"acct_mgr.opt.radius = acct_mgr.opt.radius [pyrad]": DistributionNotFound:
The 'Pyrad; extra == "pyrad"' distribution was not found and is requir
13 ed by the application
14 2023-12-12 12:54:01,080 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg" from
15 2023-12-12 12:54:01,089 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping
"acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.tracforms.uid_chg [forms]":
DistributionNotFound: The 'TracForms; extra == "forms"' distribution w
15 as not found and is required by the application
16 2023-12-12 12:54:01,089 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg" from
17 2023-12-12 12:54:01,098 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping
"acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg =
acct_mgr.opt.tracscreenshots.uid_chg [screenshots]": DistributionNotFound:
The 'TracScreenshots; extra ==
17 "screenshots"' distribution was not found and is required by the
18 2023-12-12 12:54:01,098 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg" from
19 2023-12-12 12:54:01,107 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping
"acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg = acct_mgr.opt.tracvote.uid_chg [vote]":
DistributionNotFound: The 'TracVote; extra == "vote"' distribution was no
19 t found and is required by the application
20 2023-12-12 12:54:01,107 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.pwhash" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
21 2023-12-12 12:54:01,108 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.register" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
22 2023-12-12 12:54:01,108 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.svnserve" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
23 2023-12-12 12:54:01,109 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"acct_mgr.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
24 2023-12-12 12:54:01,110 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"permredirect.filter" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
25 2023-12-12 12:54:01,112 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.about"
from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
26 2023-12-12 12:54:01,113 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.admin.console" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
27 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.admin.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
28 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.attachment" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
29 2023-12-12 12:54:01,116 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.db.mysql" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
30 2023-12-12 12:54:01,126 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "trac.db.mysql =
trac.db.mysql_backend [mysql]": DistributionNotFound: The 'PyMySQL; extra
== "mysql"' distribution was not found and is required
30 by the application
31 2023-12-12 12:54:01,126 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.db.postgres" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
32 2023-12-12 12:54:01,162 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.db.sqlite" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
33 2023-12-12 12:54:01,163 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.mimeview.patch" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
34 2023-12-12 12:54:01,163 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.mimeview.pygments" from
35 2023-12-12 12:54:01,176 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.mimeview.rst" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
36 2023-12-12 12:54:01,213 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.mimeview.txtl" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
37 2023-12-12 12:54:01,249 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.notification.api" from
38 2023-12-12 12:54:01,249 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.notification.mail" from
39 2023-12-12 12:54:01,250 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.notification.prefs" from
40 2023-12-12 12:54:01,251 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin "trac.prefs"
from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
41 2023-12-12 12:54:01,251 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin ""
from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
42 2023-12-12 12:54:01,252 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.admin" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
43 2023-12-12 12:54:01,256 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.batch" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
44 2023-12-12 12:54:01,257 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.notification" from
45 2023-12-12 12:54:01,257 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.query" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
46 2023-12-12 12:54:01,259 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
47 2023-12-12 12:54:01,261 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.roadmap" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
48 2023-12-12 12:54:01,262 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.ticket.web_ui" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
49 2023-12-12 12:54:01,265 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.timeline" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
50 2023-12-12 12:54:01,266 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.versioncontrol.admin" from
51 2023-12-12 12:54:01,266 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.versioncontrol.svn_authz" from
52 2023-12-12 12:54:01,267 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.versioncontrol.web_ui" from
53 2023-12-12 12:54:01,272 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.web.auth" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
54 2023-12-12 12:54:01,272 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.web.main" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
55 2023-12-12 12:54:01,273 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"trac.web.session" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
56 2023-12-12 12:54:01,273 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
57 2023-12-12 12:54:01,274 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
58 2023-12-12 12:54:01,274 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
59 2023-12-12 12:54:01,275 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
60 2023-12-12 12:54:01,275 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"" from "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
61 2023-12-12 12:54:01,276 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.perm.authz_policy" from
62 2023-12-12 12:54:01,277 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider" from
63 2023-12-12 12:54:01,278 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.ticket.clone" from
64 2023-12-12 12:54:01,279 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.ticket.commit_updater" from
65 2023-12-12 12:54:01,280 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.ticket.deleter" from
66 2023-12-12 12:54:01,280 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.versioncontrol.git.git_fs" from
67 2023-12-12 12:54:01,284 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_fs" from
68 2023-12-12 12:54:01,286 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Loading plugin
"tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_prop" from
69 2023-12-12 12:54:01,287 Trac[default_workflow] DEBUG: Workflow actions
at initialization: defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'accept': {'oldstates':
['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'], 'newstate'
69 : 'accepted', 'operations': ['set_owner_to_self'], 'permissions':
['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'label': 'accept', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'create':
{'oldstates': [None], 'newstate': 'new', 'default': 1, 'l
69 abel': 'create', 'name': '', 'operations': [], 'permissions': []},
'create_and_assign': {'oldstates': [None], 'newstate': 'assigned', 'label':
'assign', 'operations': ['may_set_owner'], 'permissions
69 ': ['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'leave': {'oldstates':
['*'], 'newstate': '*', 'default': 1, 'operations': ['leave_status'],
'label': 'leave', 'name': '', 'permissions': []}, 'reass
69 ign': {'oldstates': ['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'],
'newstate': 'assigned', 'operations': ['set_owner'], 'permissions':
['TICKET_MODIFY'], 'label': 'reassign', 'name': '', 'default': 0}
69 , 'reopen': {'oldstates': ['closed'], 'newstate': 'reopened',
'operations': ['del_resolution'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_CREATE'],
'label': 'reopen', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, 'resolve': {'oldstates
69 ': ['new', 'assigned', 'accepted', 'reopened'], 'newstate': 'closed',
'operations': ['set_resolution'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_MODIFY'],
'label': 'resolve', 'name': '', 'default': 0}, '_reset': {'d
69 efault': 0, 'label': 'Reset', 'newstate': 'new', 'oldstates': [],
'operations': ['reset_workflow'], 'permissions': ['TICKET_ADMIN']}})
71 2023-12-12 12:54:01,313 Trac[main] DEBUG: Dispatching
<RequestWithSession "GET '/login'">
72 2023-12-12 12:54:01,314 Trac[main] DEBUG: Chosen handler is <Component
73 2023-12-12 12:54:01,314 Trac[session] DEBUG: Retrieving session for ID
74 2023-12-12 12:54:01,318 Trac[main] DEBUG: Negotiated locale: None ->
75 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[main] WARNING: []
HTTPInternalServerError: 500 Configuration error (Cannot find
implementation(s) of the <code>IPasswordStore</code> interface named
75 rAuthStore</code>. Please check that the Component is enabled or update
the option <code>[account-manager] password_store</code> in trac.ini.),
<RequestWithSession "GET '/login'">, referrer None
76 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[chrome] DEBUG: Prepare chrome data for
77 2023-12-12 12:54:01,323 Trac[api] DEBUG: action controllers for ticket
workflow: ['ConfigurableTicketWorkflow']

There's no message indicating DirectoryAuthPlugin is loading. It seems like
it may not be installed. That said, I'm not sure it's compatible with Trac

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Re: Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
Hi Ryan,

Ok, that looks right.

I'll see if I can get it to load and see what happens.



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Re: Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
Hmm.. How does one know how to enable a specific plugin in trac?

E.g. it's not obvious what to put in trac.ini to enable DirectoryAuthPlugin, neither is it obvious what parameters one can set for it.

Any advice is appreciated.



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Re: Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 5:03:53?AM UTC-8 Tony Brian Albers
(XTOAL) wrote:

Hmm.. How does one know how to enable a specific plugin in trac?

E.g. it's not obvious what to put in trac.ini to enable
DirectoryAuthPlugin, neither is it obvious what parameters one can set for

Any advice is appreciated.



It appears you've already enabled:
tracext.dirauth.api.userextensiblepermissionstore = enabled
tracext.dirauth.auth.dirauthstore = enabled
tracext.dirauth.db.directoryauthpluginsetup = enabled

You can enable through the plugin admin page and also check from their that
the components are correctly enabled.

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Re: Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 2:10?PM RjOllos <> wrote:
> There's no message indicating DirectoryAuthPlugin is loading. It seems like it may not be installed. That said, I'm not sure it's compatible with Trac 1.6.

The plugin is unable to be loaded with Python 3 due to
incompatibilities with Python 3.

$ pyflakes tracext/dirauth/*.py
tracext/dirauth/ 'from api import *' used; unable to
detect undefined names
tracext/dirauth/ 'api.*' imported but unused
tracext/dirauth/ 'from auth import *' used; unable to
detect undefined names
tracext/dirauth/ 'auth.*' imported but unused
tracext/dirauth/ multiple exception types must be parenthesized
except Exception, e:

$ /dev/shm/venv-trac16/bin/python
>>> import tracext.dirauth
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/dev/shm/venv-trac16/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tracext/dirauth/",
line 11, in <module>
from api import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'api'

I've filed the issue at

Jun Omae <> (?? ?)

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Re: Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD) [ In reply to ]
Hi Jun,

Yeah, I managed to find that out too.

I even managed to get the 'module not found: api' to work by specifying to import from .api instead of just api.

I then found out that cPickle has been integrated into pickle, so I changed all references to match that.

Then DirectoryAuthPlugin loaded just fine but that just got me into other trouble:
2023-12-14 06:50:16,164 Trac[env] ERROR: Component <Component tracext.dirauth.db.DirectoryAuthPluginSetup> failed with
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trac/", line 382, in component_guard
File "/var/www/tracinst/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trac/", line 750, in needs_upgrade
if participant.environment_needs_upgrade():
TypeError: DirectoryAuthPluginSetup.environment_needs_upgrade() missing 1 required positional argument: 'db'
2023-12-14 06:50:16,164 Trac[env] ERROR: Exception caught while checking for upgrade: TracError: Unable to check for upgrade of tracext.dirauth.db.DirectoryAuthPluginSetup: TypeError: DirectoryAuthPluginSetup.environment_needs_upgrade() missing 1 required positional argument: 'db'

And this is where my limited knowledge of programming is no longer sufficient.


Banedanmark, Digital Test Center
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V

From: <> on behalf of Jun Omae <>
Sent: 14 December 2023 03:03
Subject: Re: [Trac] Re: Unable to get acct_mgr to work with LDAP(AD)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization.

On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 2:10?PM RjOllos <> wrote:
> There's no message indicating DirectoryAuthPlugin is loading. It seems like it may not be installed. That said, I'm not sure it's compatible with Trac 1.6.

The plugin is unable to be loaded with Python 3 due to
incompatibilities with Python 3.

$ pyflakes tracext/dirauth/*.py
tracext/dirauth/ 'from api import *' used; unable to
detect undefined names
tracext/dirauth/ 'api.*' imported but unused
tracext/dirauth/ 'from auth import *' used; unable to
detect undefined names
tracext/dirauth/ 'auth.*' imported but unused
tracext/dirauth/ multiple exception types must be parenthesized
except Exception, e:

$ /dev/shm/venv-trac16/bin/python
>>> import tracext.dirauth
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/dev/shm/venv-trac16/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tracext/dirauth/",
line 11, in <module>
from api import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'api'

I've filed the issue at

Jun Omae <> (?? ?)

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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