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RSS Timeline patch
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RSS Timeline patch [ In reply to ]
Mark Rowe wrote:
> I've added support for a basic RSS 2.0 feed to Trac that goes some way
> towards completing ticket #28.

Great work! :)

The patch looks pretty much exactly the way I was planning on doing it, apart
from a few minor details maybe.

I was looking at how OReillynet's Meerkat service (a tech news syndication
service) works, where you can customize your own report basically, and then
just append '&rss=2.0' to the URI to get the same data in RSS format.

This is an intuitive, simple and flexible way to add other "rendering
outputs" to modules.

Apart from the Timeline, Reports also should be RSS capable, so you can have
an RSS subscription to "active bugs" or more useful, "bugs assigned to me".

Other data formats probably of interest are ICS/iCalendar (get dated
milestones in your calendar, and assigned tasks in your todo-list), a simple
XML format probably, and for debugging and hacking it might be handy to get
a raw text output of the HDF tree.

It'd probably be best if the modules shared a way how to request other
output formats, such as the URI scheme mentioned above... Maybe we should
have a "Render" class that can be inherited and changed according to module
and dataformat.. Nothing too fancy, just something practical and reusable.



Daniel Lundin | Edgewall Software | Professional GNU/Linux & Open Source Consulting