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Trac 0.9-beta1 Released
Trac 0.9-beta1 Release Notes
Sept 5, 2005

We're proud to present our latest beta release - Trac 0.9-beta1.

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system, integrated with
Subversion, for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic
approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is
simple; to help developers write great software while staying out of the
way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established
development process and policies.

Trac allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages,
creating links and useful structure between bugs, tasks, changesets,
files and wiki pages. A timeline view presents all project events in
chronological order, making tracking progress or getting an overview of
a project easy.

For more information, please visit the main Trac web site:


The software, published under the modified BSD License, is
available at:


Please report problems and provide feedback in the project issue


For questions, comments and user discussions, please use the Trac
mailing list. List information, subscription and archive available at:


What's New
A brief summary of major changes for this release:

* License changed from GPL to modified BSD.
* Improved modularity and extendibility (plugin support).
* Postgresql database support.
* FastCGI frontend support.

For a more complete list of improvements, see the ChangeLog at:


Many thanks to the growing number of people who have, and continue to,
support the project. Also our thanks to all people providing feedback
and bug reports that helps us make Trac better, easier to use and more

Without your invaluable help, Trac would not evolve. Thank you all.

Finally, we offer hope that Trac will prove itself useful to like-minded
programmers around the world, and that this release will prove an
improvement over the last version.

Please let us know. :-)

/The Trac Team <>