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RE: [spf-help] DomainKey and SPF
On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:12:31 -0500 "Steve Yates" <> wrote:
>Scott Kitterman wrote on 7/23/2008 2:44:22 PM:
>> How to integrate SPF and DKIM is an interesting question that I think
>> be good for spf-discuss.
> Though I don't monitor that list I'll cc there, and probably
>follow ups should go there. Turns out they are basically separate, from
>a sending point of view. Frustratingly though, Yahoo! (the founder of
>DomainKeys) only supports DomainKeys and not DKIM, and one can't sign a
>message with both of those without excluding the other from the
>protected headers (otherwise whichever is second "tampers with" the
>headers of the outbound message). Anyway this isn't a DK list, but from
>an SPF standpoint, SPF is a DNS-only solution, and DomainKeys/DKIM is a
>sending-server solution that uses DNS, and they can co-exist just fine.

The part I find intruiging is that DKIM signatures survive forwarding where
SPF has trouble. I'd like to be able to leverage that.

You can sign DK/DKIM both, although I don't bother. I just do DKIM. It's
my understanding that Yahoo! is going to switch to DKIM 'any day now'.

Scott K

P.S. Dropped spf-help since it's OT there, but to Steve directly since he's
not subscribed to spf-discuss.

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