Mailing List Archive

New Thought/Theory
Greetings all,

I have only made a few posts to the lists, several critical ones on the
M$ Debacle in particular.

As a result of the content of those posts I received numerous emails
regarding the theory behind them. I was also prodded to put the
thoughts in some semblance of order and get it posted.

The page can be found at:

Don't look for flash & glitz, t'aint there. Just information.

The site can be read in it's entirety in about eight(8) minutes. It is
laid out in a top down fashion basically disecting it from its

There are also forums set-up and full upload functionality will be there
in the next few days. The forums are not meant to displace or replace
these mailing lists, but, to enhance information exchange...

A rapid breakdown follows:

Originating MUA/MSA creates & fires off a message to it's MTA...

Originating MTA receives it, validates client, applies two(2) headers,
queues data for later response, & routes the message.

<- Interim Routing/Forwarders, etc... ->

Destination MTA receives message, performs SPF query, extracts headers,
compares data, performs (TCP|UDP) query to Ori-MTA, receives result set,
tags message, processes for delivery.

Destination MUA retrieves a flagged/tagged (either (VALID|FAIL))
message, where the recipient handles final disposition.
To be honest, Locally, we will impliment final disposition policy at the
MTA based on the rules of our end-users/clients.

Simplicity... Validated/Vetted Sender, Validated/Verified Message,
Recipient now has a confirmed message, from a confirmed sender, and can do
with it what they will.....

LawBase Technologies, Winnemucca, Nevada.
SPF Related Pages

Random Thought:
Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit. - Aristotle, 384 - 322 BC

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