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Forwarding spam to ISP
My ISP,, has users forward spam to them that slip through
their spamblocker software. Since installing SA I've turned it off since
it was pretty useless in my opinion as about 75% was still getting through.
I was doing it for awhile but it was getting to be a pain to manually fwd
each message. EL is asking me to forward spam to them anyway, can SA be
setup to do this automatically? I use Kmail and I know this can be done
with procmail but I don't have it setup.


A 100% Microsoft free computer
Registered Linux User 283774
11:48am up 5 days, 19:34, 5 users, load average: 0.21, 0.39, 0.78
Re: Forwarding spam to ISP [ In reply to ]
At 09:55 AM 3/13/2004, you wrote:
>EL is asking me to forward spam to them anyway, can SA be
>setup to do this automatically? I use Kmail and I know this can be done
>with procmail but I don't have it setup.

Nope. SpamAssassin can only tag messages as spam - it can't forward /
delete / redirect / etc.

Procmail would be your best bet.

Re: Forwarding spam to ISP [ In reply to ]
FWIW, I've been using Dirtlink SpamBlotcher for about a year now, and I
agree that up until about two months ago it was virtually useless, cantching
at most 30% of the spam. Sometime in the last couple months they seem to
have installed a new ruleset and my spam counts went down considerably. A
lot still gets through and SA is catching virtually all of that. But I'm in
the multiple hundreds a months rather than the multiple thousands a months
now with it turned on.

If you don't absolutely WANT to have all the spam in the world appear at
your door, it is now a moderately useful pre-filter if you want to turn it
back on.

(Hum, that forwarding spam that made it past must be something new, I don't
recall seeing it before.)

RE: Forwarding spam to ISP [ In reply to ]
SA with the additional rule sets (weeds, big evil, etc) seems to be good
at catching a high percentage with a very low FP rate. I'm confused at
why you would want to send your spam to earthlink though (My T1 ISP as
well). There isn't much they can do about it other than send an email
to the non-existent sender of the spam. FWIW I would rather not have a
big ISP like earthlink filtering ANY of my email for me.


I still get FP's from Charles Schwab and a couple companies that I do
work with because they use embedded HTML and a few other key words that
trip the scanners. (Actually I lied because I put a rule in place to -10
certain senders). But the point is if companies like earthlink decided
that you didn't need your EOY 2003 Trade confirmation tax sheet then,
well, it would really suck when you didn't have all of your tax
paperwork handy :).


It is best to just deal with the spam yourself (via SA or whatever
product) and then filter it with your local mail program (Outlook, Exim,
Procmail, etc).

Otherwise when the zombies come to attack you you'll end up having your
brains eaten and becoming a zombie yourself. Opps, I meant end up not
only getting the spam but sending that same spam to earthlink.
Depending upon the amount of spam, user accounts and other services you
use on your internet connection I hope you have a lot of bandwidth.

BTW it looks real bad when you send an email with your Linux uptime of 5
days. The machine I'm sending this from is running XP and hasn't been
rebooted in almost 6 months (I know that I'm behind on the patches but
this machine only does email and internal web testing). Most of my
Linux machine were well into the hundreds of days until I did a kernel
upgrade (kinda like a Microsoft patch).

Gary Wayne Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris []
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:56 AM
Subject: Forwarding spam to ISP

My ISP,, has users forward spam to them that slip through
their spamblocker software. Since installing SA I've turned it off
it was pretty useless in my opinion as about 75% was still getting
I was doing it for awhile but it was getting to be a pain to manually
each message. EL is asking me to forward spam to them anyway, can SA be

setup to do this automatically? I use Kmail and I know this can be done

with procmail but I don't have it setup.


A 100% Microsoft free computer
Registered Linux User 283774
11:48am up 5 days, 19:34, 5 users, load average: 0.21, 0.39, 0.78