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webuserprefs bug
I found a couple of bugs in the address verification regexp for

1) It tried to \ escape the - at the end of a character class expression.
That didn't work. The - needs to be the first character in the class.

2) It didn't allow + in the username portion of the address. Neither
does's notification system. Nor several other web sites
I've been to. It annoys me when I find a website that does that.
The bad thing about is they let you enter the + address
and then silently fail to send you any e-mail at that address. Be
careful there.

3) There was a lot of escaping of characters inside the character
classes that is simply not necessary. The characters other than -
didn't seem to be causing any problems by being escaped. But the
code doesn't word wrap at 80 columns if you get rid of the excess
\'s. That's always better. :-)

diff -u attached.

Scott Lambert KC5MLE Unix SysAdmin