Mailing List Archive

svn commit: r498601 - in /spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev: phrase-extract-in-log seek-phrases-in-corpus
Author: jm
Date: Mon Jan 22 05:04:40 2007
New Revision: 498601

add a hack-in-progress to SVN; seek-phrases-in-corpus. Given a small corpus of spam, and a corpus of ham, seek out common phrases that appear only in the spam and would make good phrase rules, using a (simple but relatively memory-efficient) BLAST-style algorithm.

spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log (with props)
spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/seek-phrases-in-corpus (with props)

Added: spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log
--- spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log (added)
+++ spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log Mon Jan 22 05:04:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+=head1 NAME
+phrase-extract-in-log - extract good-looking rule phrases from a text-dump mc log
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# </@LICENSE>
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $MAX_TEXT_IN_MESSAGE = 32678; # bytes of message examined
+my $REQUIRE_PERCENT_SPAM_HITS = 1; # 1% hitrate reqd
+my $fh = shift @ARGV;
+my $fs = shift @ARGV;
+die "usage: phrase-extract-in-log hamlog spamlog" unless ($fs && $fh);
+my %word2sym = ('' => '');
+my %sym2word = ('' => '');
+my $sym_acc = 'a'; # symbols are represented using IDs from this counter
+my $msgcount = 0;
+my @t_spam = ();
+my @t_ham = ();
+my %spam = ();
+my %ham = ();
+my $stot = 0;
+my $htot = 0;
+my %set_hit = ();
+open IN, "<$fh" or die "cannot open ham log $fh";
+while (<IN>) {
+ /^text: (.*)$/ and proc_text($1, \@t_ham, \%ham, \$htot);
+close IN;
+open IN, "<$fs" or die "cannot open spam log $fs";
+while (<IN>) {
+ /^text: (.*)$/ and proc_text($1, \@t_spam, \%spam, \$stot);
+close IN;
+sub proc_text {
+ my ($text, $tary, $target, $ttotref) = @_;
+ if (length($text) > $MAX_TEXT_IN_MESSAGE) {
+ $text = substr $text, 0, $MAX_TEXT_IN_MESSAGE; # chop!
+ }
+ push @{$tary}, $text;
+ my $cp = pack "l", $msgcount;
+ $msgcount++;
+ my $w1 = '';
+ my $w2 = '';
+ my $w3 = '';
+ my %tokens = ();
+ foreach my $w (split(' ', $text)) {
+ # if (length $w > 20) { $w = "sk:".substr($w, 0, 5); }
+ $w3 = $w2;
+ $w2 = $w1;
+ $w1 = $word2sym{$w};
+ if (!$w1) {
+ $word2sym{$w} = $w1 = $sym_acc;
+ $sym2word{$sym_acc} = $w;
+ $sym_acc++;
+ }
+ # simple bayesian N-grams to start
+ $tokens{"$w3.$w2.$w1"} = $tokens{"$w3.$w2"} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $tok (keys %tokens) {
+ $target->{$tok}++;
+ $set_hit{$tok} .= $cp; # the message subset hit by this tok
+ }
+ $$ttotref++;
+sub summarise {
+ foreach my $id (keys %spam) {
+ $set_hit{$id} = unpack("%32C*", $set_hit{$id}); # hash
+ }
+ # note: we don't care about stuff that appears only in ham
+ $htot ||= 0.000001;
+ $stot ||= 0.000001;
+ my %all_patterns_for_set = ();
+ my %so = ();
+ foreach my $id (keys %spam) {
+ my $ham = ($ham{$id} || 0) / $htot;
+ my $spam = ($spam{$id} || 0) / $stot;
+ my $t = $ham + $spam || 0.000001;
+ my $so = $spam / $t;
+ my $bad;
+ # only collapse sets for 1.0 S/O rules
+ if ($so != 1.0) {
+ $bad++;
+ }
+ # and must occur more than once!
+ elsif ($spam{$id} <= 1) {
+ $bad++;
+ }
+ # require N% spam hits
+ elsif (($spam{$id}*100) / $stot < $REQUIRE_PERCENT_SPAM_HITS) {
+ $bad++;
+ }
+ if ($bad) {
+ # we don't need to remember anything about this pattern after here
+ delete $ham{$id};
+ delete $spam{$id};
+ delete $set_hit{$id};
+ next;
+ }
+ $so{$id} = $so; # since we only list 1.0 S/Os, this is irrelevant
+ my $set = $set_hit{$id};
+ $all_patterns_for_set{$set} ||= [];
+ push @{$all_patterns_for_set{$set}}, decode_sym2words($id);
+ }
+ my %done_set = ();
+ printf ("%6s %6s %6s %s\n", "RATIO", "SPAM%", "HAM%", "DATA");
+ foreach my $id (sort {
+ # $so{$a} <=> $so{$b} ||
+ $spam{$a} <=> $spam{$b}
+ # || $ham{$b} <=> $ham{$a}
+ } keys %so)
+ {
+ my $set = $set_hit{$id};
+ next if $done_set{$set}; $done_set{$set}++;
+ # we now have several patterns. see if we can expand them sideways
+ # to make the pattern bigger, and collapse into a smaller number of
+ # pats at the same time
+ my $pats = collapse_pats($all_patterns_for_set{$set});
+ # my $pats = collapse_pats_basic($all_patterns_for_set{$set});
+ printf "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %s\n",
+ $so{$id}, ($spam{$id}*100) / $stot, (($ham{$id}||0)*100) / $htot,
+ $pats;
+ }
+sub decode_sym2words {
+ my $ids = shift;
+ my $r;
+ if ($ids =~ /^(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)$/) {
+ $r = "$sym2word{$1} $sym2word{$2} $sym2word{$3}";
+ }
+ elsif ($ids =~ /^(.*)\.(.*)$/) {
+ $r = "$sym2word{$1} $sym2word{$2}";
+ }
+ $r =~ s/^\s+//;
+ return $r;
+sub collapse_pats_basic {
+ return '/'. join ('/, /', map { s/\//[SLASH]/gs; $_; } @{$_[0]}). '/';
+sub collapse_pats {
+ my $pataryref = $_[0];
+ my @ret = ();
+ while (1) {
+ my $pat = shift(@{$pataryref});
+ last unless defined($pat);
+ # warn "JMD $pat";
+ $pat =~ s/^\s+//;
+ my @hits = grep /\Q$pat\E/, @t_spam;
+ if (scalar @hits == 0) {
+ warn "supposed pattern /$pat/ is 0-hitter";
+ push @ret, "[*]$pat";
+ next;
+ }
+ # we don't have all day!
+ my $pat_maxlen = 32768;
+ my $s = $hits[0];
+ # Now, expand the pattern using a BLAST-style algorithm
+ # expand towards start of string
+ while (1) {
+ my $l = length($pat);
+ last if ($l > $pat_maxlen); # too long
+ my $found;
+ # this is too slow
+ if ($s =~ /(.)\Q$pat\E/s) { $found = $1; }
+ # this is faster, since it doesn't start with a (.)
+ # if ($s =~ /\Q$pat\E/s) { $found = substr($s, pos($s) - $l, 1); }
+ if (!defined $found) {
+ # start of string. break
+ last;
+ }
+ # give up if there are a differing number of hits for the new pat
+ my $newpat = $found.$pat;
+ if (scalar (grep /\Q$newpat\E/, @t_spam) != scalar @hits) { last; }
+ $pat = $newpat; # and carry on
+ }
+ # warn "JMD $pat";
+ # expand towards end of string
+ while (1) {
+ if (length($pat) > $pat_maxlen || $s !~ /\Q$pat\E(.)/s) {
+ # end of string. break
+ last;
+ }
+ my $newpat = $pat.$1;
+ if (scalar (grep /\Q$newpat\E/, @t_spam) != scalar @hits) { last; }
+ $pat = $newpat; # and carry on
+ }
+ # warn "JMD $pat";
+ # now remove subsumed patterns
+ @{$pataryref} = grep { $pat !~ /\Q$_\E/s } @{$pataryref};
+ # warn "JMD $pat";
+ # skip recording this if it's already inside one of the results
+ next if grep { $_ =~ /\Q$pat\E/s } @ret;
+ # also, remove cases where this pattern contains previous results
+ @ret = grep { $pat !~ /\Q$_\E/s } @ret;
+ # warn "JMD $pat";
+ push (@ret, $pat);
+ }
+ # TODO:
+ return '/'.join ('/, /', map { s/\//\\\//gs; $_; } @ret).'/';

Propchange: spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log
svn:executable = *

Added: spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/seek-phrases-in-corpus
--- spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/seek-phrases-in-corpus (added)
+++ spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/seek-phrases-in-corpus Mon Jan 22 05:04:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+=head1 NAME
+seek-phrases-in-corpus - given a corpus of spam, seek out common phrases
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+seek-phrases-in-corpus [--grep 'pattern'] ham:dir:/path spam:dir:/path2 ...
+Given a _small_ corpus of ham and spam mails (specified in mass-check format),
+this will attempt to find patterns that appear in at least 2 spams, then list
+out all the patterns that have a 1.0 S/O ratio (ie. hit spam and no ham).
+The output format looks like:
+ 1.000 8.633 0.000 /pattern/, /pattern2/, /pattern3/
+ 1.000 8.633 0.000 /pattern4/
+ 1.000 10.000 0.000 /pattern5/
+First field is S/O (and will always be 1.000). Second, the SPAM%
+figure -- how much of the spam corpus, as a percentage, contains the
+pattern. Third is the list of one or more pattern(s) that hit this
+subset of messages.
+Note that patterns that hit a different subset of the messages in the spam
+corpus, are listed on separate lines; e.g., in the example above, /pattern3/
+and /pattern4/ both hit 8.633% of the spam corpus -- however, they hit a
+different 8.633%, not the same subset of messages. On the other hand,
+/pattern2/ and /pattern3/ are hitting exactly the same messages.
+The patterns are simple substrings, not regular expressions; don't
+be misled by the use of "/" as a delimiter. The body text is rendered
+as SpamAssassin "body" rendering.
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# </@LICENSE>
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use FindBin;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $sadir = "$FindBin::Bin/../..";
+my $tmpdir = "/tmp/findpats.tmp.$$";
+my %opt = ();
+ 'grep=s' => \$opt{grep},
+) or die "see perldoc for usage";
+my $mcargs = join(' ', @ARGV);
+# extract just the ham or spam targets
+my $mcargs_h = $mcargs; $mcargs_h =~ s/\bspam:\S+\b//gs;
+my $mcargs_s = $mcargs; $mcargs_s =~ s/\bham:\S+\b//gs;
+if ($mcargs_h !~ /\bham:/) {
+ die "seek-phrases-in-corpus: no 'ham:type:path' corpus specifier found!\n";
+if ($mcargs_s !~ /\bspam:/) {
+ die "seek-phrases-in-corpus: no 'spam:type:path' corpus specifier found!\n";
+my $re = $opt{grep};
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(-d "$tmpdir/cor") and run ("rm -rf $tmpdir/cor");
+(-d "$tmpdir/cor") or run ("mkdir -p $tmpdir/cor");
+# note: -c=/dev/null so no rules ever run
+# don't grep the ham set!
+run("cd $sadir/masses && ".
+ "./mass-check --cf='loadplugin Dumptext plugins/' ".
+ " --cf='loadplugin GrepRenderedBody plugins/' ".
+ " -n -o --showdots -c=/dev/null ".
+ " $mcargs_h > $tmpdir/w.h");
+# *do* grep the spam, though
+run("cd $sadir/masses && ".
+ "./mass-check --cf='loadplugin Dumptext plugins/' ".
+ " --cf='loadplugin GrepRenderedBody plugins/' ".
+ ($re ? " --cf='grep $re' " : "").
+ " -n -o --showdots -c=/dev/null ".
+ " $mcargs_s > $tmpdir/w.s");
+run("perl -w $sadir/masses/rule-dev/phrase-extract-in-log ".
+ "$tmpdir/w.h $tmpdir/w.s > $tmpdir/result");
+run("cat $tmpdir/result");
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub run {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ warn "[$cmd]\n";
+ system $cmd;
+ ($? >> 8 != 0) and Carp::croak("command failed");

Propchange: spamassassin/trunk/masses/rule-dev/seek-phrases-in-corpus
svn:executable = *