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[Spamassassin Wiki] Update of "ManualRuleUpdates" by JustinMason
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The following page has been changed by JustinMason:

The comment on the change is:
update to use a bug-5269-compatible tagging step


cd ~/b31/rules-3.1
+ tagver=3.1.x
+ tagstamp=`perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime time;'`
+ tagurl=${tagver}_${tagstamp}
+ svn up
+ svn copy -m 'promotions validated' . $tagurl < /dev/null
+ rm -rf tmpcheckout
+ svn co $tagurl tmpcheckout && svn info tmpcheckout > svnrev
+ rm -rf tmpcheckout
- rev=`svn info | perl -ne '/Revision: (\d+)/ and print $1'`
+ rev=`perl -ne '/Revision: (\d+)/ and print $1' < svnrev`
echo $rev
tar cf $rev.tar *.{cf,pre}
tar tvf $rev.tar
rm $rev.tar.gz; gzip -9 $rev.tar