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ANNOUNCE: ApacheCon US 2004 (SpamAssassin Sessions!)
ApacheCon US 2004

Alexis Park Resort
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
13-17 November 2004

The Apache Software Foundation invites you to ApacheCon U.S. 2004.

"The only sure thing in Las Vegas"


Please click on the 'Registry' link at the top of
<>. You will need to log in to the site; if you
have never done so before, you will need to create an account. If you
already have an account in the ApacheCon system, please do not create
another one!

Presentations and Tutorials

All normal presentations, keynotes, and special events will be held
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (November 15-17). The three days at
ApacheCon provide you with a choice of more than 65 talks.

The special in-depth tutorials will be held Saturday and Sunday (November
13-14). You can choose between 18 different tutorials.

SpamAssassin Sessions!

There will be three SpamAssassin sessions at ApacheCon 2004. There will
be one 3-hour tutorial and two 1-hour talks on SpamAssassin.

T09: SpamAssassin Tutorial

Day: Sun
Time: 09h00
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 180 minutes
Style: Tutorial
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Anti-Spam, New Technologies, Performance, Perl
Speaker: Daniel Quinlan

SpamAssassin is perhaps the most widely deployed anti-spam tool in
the world and has long been the gold standard for spam filters. It's
open source, extensible, flexible, and very effective. This tutorial
will give you the tools you need to make SpamAssassin work well for
your site and your users.

Topics covered will include: how SpamAssassin works and the
SpamAssassin filtering model, SpamAssassin installation and set-up,
writing your own rules, debugging problems, analysis and
diagnostics, optimizing SpamAssassin performance, the development
process, and how to get involved. Also discussed will be current
anti-spam best practices that are important for both senders and
receivers of email.

MO09: New and upcoming features in SpamAssassin v3

Day: Mon
Time: 13h30
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Anti-Spam, New Technologies
Speaker: Theo Van Dinter

Almost a year in the making, SpamAssassin v3.0 includes a large
number of modifications and new features. This session covers the
major changes and features found in v3.0, and will also include
discussion about ongoing work for v3.1 and beyond.

MO13: Storing SpamAssassin User Data in SQL Databases

Day: Mon
Time: 14h30
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Anti-Spam, Databases, New Technologies, Performance, Perl
Speaker: Michael Parker

With the release of SpamAssassin 3.0.0 virtually all user specific
data (preferences, AWL and bayes) can be stored in a SQL
database. This session will cover basic setup, usage and maintenance
of storing data in a SQL database as well as some convenient tools
to help. In addition, there will be some discussion about the
development process and design along with future directions of the
SQL based storage for SpamAssassin.

Daniel Quinlan

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