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[rt-announce] RT for Incident Response 3.2.0 Released
RTIR 3.2.0 is the first release of RTIR compatible with RT 4.2.

It is only compatible with RT 4.2.9 and later and will refuse to install
on earlier versions of RT 4.2.

You should be sure to review both core RT's UPGRADING-4.2 as well as
RTIR's UPGRADING-3.2 documentation and any other UPGRADING documentation
which may be relevant to your older version.

SHA1 sums

d37288b2bf8d04f3791a15e82323b40e6eaf9837 RT-IR-3.2.0.tar.gz
2fd61f47ff639e3a38e4b5c14ffc1cd6b1d23945 RT-IR-3.2.0.tar.gz.asc

Numerous internal updates have been made for compatibility with RT 4.2.
If you have local modifications to RTIR you will want to ensure that you
update them for compatibility. RT 4.2 renamed many components and
introduced a new /static/ root for CSS/JS etc. As a result, many
components and callbacks in RTIR have also been modified to align with
core renames. You should be sure to review UPGRADING-4.2 in core RT.

RTIR makes use of RT's Custom Field Grouping feature, you can read more
about it in and make use of it to organize both RTIR's
core Custom Fields as well as your site-specific fields.

RTIR's Constituencies have been refactored and will now provide better
error messages and will make better use of caching and other performance
enhancements. This release also includes recent bugfixes from 3.0 to
ensure that Constituency does not lose state during ticket creation and

RTIR's linkification of ticket histories will be cached by default on
4.2 which will assist with ticket history rendering on second load.

RTIR now also uses RT's delayed-load for history, causing history to be
loaded via JavaScript after the rest of the page is rendered, improving
page load times.

When linking an Incident Report to an Incident after Incident Creation,
the IR IP Custom Fields will be automatically copied. Framework now
exists to easily add new Scrips to copy other Custom Fields.
Particularly useful if you link IRs to Incidents using the API.

When splitting a ticket, you can now change Due and Starts. In addition,
you can now manually change an Incident's Due Date.

RTIR now uses core's Forward functionality, allowing a message to be
included with a forward, as well as forwarding of a full ticket in
addition to transactions. Forwards are recorded in the history of a

RTIR now has access to core's improved charting, allowing grouping by
multiple attributes and calculation of some ticket statistics.

The $RTIR_OldestRelatedTickets will now apply to tickets updated in the
last n days for any Lookup search.

In addition to GnuPG support, RTIR can now leverage RT's S/MIME
integration. See the core RT documentation for specifics and

Users who are members of a DutyTeam will now be redirected to the RTIR
Homepage on login.

Additionally many bugs were squashed, performance enhancements made,
doc cleaned up and new callbacks added.

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log 3.0.4..3.2.0
or visiting