Mailing List Archive

rsyslog 2.0.7 (stable) released
Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 2.0.7, a member of the v2-stable branch.
This is a bug-fixing release solving some minor bugs that were discovered
during the past months. Most importantly, some issues with dynamically
created files were fixed, as well as two memory leaks. While one of them was
not expected to be seen in practice, there were one memory leak in the
Postgres output module which could cause harm. This is a recommended update
for all v2-stable users.

Other than on RHEL, 2.0.7 seems to be no longer used, but we still support
it. So if you experience issues with that version, please let us know.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Tom Bergfeld

Improving rsyslog is costly, but you can help! We are looking for
organizations that find rsyslog useful and wish to contribute back.
You can contribute by reporting bugs, improve the software, or donate
money or equipment.

Commercial support contracts for rsyslog are available, and they help
finance continued maintenance. Adiscon GmbH, a privately held German
company, is currently funding rsyslog development. We are always
looking for interesting development projects. For details on how to
help, please see

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