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uclibc compile failure
hello all

compiling stable and dev versions of rsyslog against uclibc-0.9.30
results in the following error:

undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
rsyslogd-syslogd.o: In function `legacyOptsEnq':
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
rsyslogd-syslogd.o: In function `crunch_list':
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
more undefined references to `rpl_malloc' follow
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-wtp.o): In function `wtpStartWrkr':
undefined reference to `pthread_yield'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-wtp.o): In function
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-wti.o): In function `wtiSetDbgHdr':
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-wti.o): In function `wtiWorker':
undefined reference to `pthread_yield'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-queue.o): In function
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-queue.o): In function
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-queue.o): In function
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-queue.o): In function `queueStart':
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
more undefined references to `rpl_malloc' follow

I recompiled uclibc with MALLOC_GLIBC_COMPAT=y but the result was the
same. The only reference to this that I can find is in the rsyslog bug
tracker but the patch listed there does not allow it to compile. Just
wondering if anybody has a working patch or suggestion.


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