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Quagga 1.1.0 - vtysh -b "%Unkown command: ", missing configuration and

While testing 1.1.0 to upgrade our production 0.99.x.



service integrated-vtysh-config


write mem (from

# zebra -d
# bgpd -d
# vtysh -b
<usual "Multiple command installs to node 4 of command:">
% Unknown command: ipv6 nd suppress-ra
% Unknown command: ipv6 nd prefix connected-none
% [ZEBRA] Unknown command: router bgp <ASN>

% Unknown command: bgp router-id <my router id>
% Unknown command: bgp dampening


And the router is unusable in that state.

I think I could make it work by reverting to .conf per daemons or vtysh