Mailing List Archive

Qmail popper, how easy to do popbulletins? writes:
> As an ISP we have occastion to send an Email to all the users...
> Having over 20,000 users, this would be quite the Emailing, so we use the
> POPbulletin feature of Qualicom's popper.
> Three solutions come to mind:
> 1. LOTS of hard links to a single Email.

I would do lots of hard links.

> And has anyone tried #1, would the OS even allow that many hard links?

Even if it doesn't, you can create 20 files with 1,000 links each.

John R. Levine writes:

> I concur that #3 is the best idea. Qpop's implementation is pretty
> simple, you could probably scavenge some code.

The problem is deciding when they've read the mail. And, as Dan is
fond of pointing out, the filesystem is a perfectly good database for
many purposes. If you create a link, that shows them that they have
new mail, and when they delete it, that shows you that they have read

-russ <>
Crynwr Software sells network driver support | PGP ok
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