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Zope for
Just a few quick questions...

Would it be desirable to turn into a Python "portal
site" using the increasingly popular Zope product?

Would that show a strong "cross-commitment" between Python and
Zope and is it desired to show that?

Would that allow for a multi-language, multi-editor, better
integrated, easier to manage "grand" Python site, preventing
"spin-offs" like non-English copies?

Would that be a big problem for mirroring sites?


"An average of more than 15 % of adults in 12 industrialized
countries are functionally illiterate; in Ireland, the United
Kingdom and the United States, the rates are over 20 %."

(The State of the World's Children 1999,

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Zope for [ In reply to ]
>>>>> "DCG" == Dinu C Gherman <> writes:

DCG> Would it be desirable to turn into a Python
DCG> "portal site" using the increasingly popular Zope product?

I'm very interested in looking at Zopifying at some point,
probably after Zope 2.0 is released. If it helps better serve the
Python community by allowing a more direct distributed management of
the site, and coincidentally makes my job as webmaster easier, I'm all
for it.

Zope for [ In reply to ] wrote:
> >>>>> "DCG" == Dinu C Gherman <> writes:
> DCG> Would it be desirable to turn into a Python
> DCG> "portal site" using the increasingly popular Zope product?
> I'm very interested in looking at Zopifying at some point,
> probably after Zope 2.0 is released. If it helps better serve the
> Python community by allowing a more direct distributed management of
> the site, and coincidentally makes my job as webmaster easier, I'm all
> for it.

Yes, we've had some discussions on it. Our goal here is to get Zope2
and the portal toolkit stuff running and useful on the new
soon-to-be-announced site. I think it shows promise, and will
provide a platform for collecting a lot of ideas about content, but
right now the glitches would drain way too much of Barry's time.

September is a good time to start thinking more seriously about it.
We'll probably discuss it at DCPIGgie.
