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pkzip and using popen on Windows 98 ???
Im having trouble using os.system or popen (both win32pipe & os) under
windows 98. It will not return the exit value of the command Im running
(which is infozips - zip). Also when attempting to use win32pipe.popen3 -
my pipe read's hang after one or two reads.

Also does anyone know of any python modules which can read / write pkzip (or
infozip) format files as I don't like calling external commands.

Any help would be appreciated?
pkzip and using popen on Windows 98 ??? [ In reply to ]
There was a bug in Win95 that prevents win32pipe from working. KB: Q150956
The same problem may not have been fixed in Windows 98. I don't have a local
Win98 box to test it on.

The current URL for this information is:

I also just added this using Guido's cool FAQ wizard..
Maybe I won't have to keep digging the KB article up anymore. :)

pkzip and using popen on Windows 98 ??? [ In reply to ]
High Mark!

Mark Butterworth - U-Net schrieb:
> Im having trouble using os.system or popen (both win32pipe & os) under
> windows 98. It will not return the exit value of the command Im running
> (which is infozips - zip). Also when attempting to use win32pipe.popen3 -
> my pipe read's hang after one or two reads.
> Also does anyone know of any python modules which can read / write pkzip (or
> infozip) format files as I don't like calling external commands.
> Any help would be appreciated?

Tested module GZIP?

f = gzip.GzipFile(fromPath , 'rb')
var =
writeFile(toPath, var) fine for unzipping file.
pkzip and using popen on Windows 98 ??? [ In reply to ]
>Tested module GZIP?
>f = gzip.GzipFile(fromPath , 'rb')
>var =
>writeFile(toPath, var)
> fine for unzipping file.

Yes but gzip only works with single files, the existing data I need to
manipulate is stored in pkzipped files with a password! therefore I need
full pkzip format support.