Mailing List Archive

Sory I meant '/'
No, no, I meant '/' -- I want to match on the _foreward_ slash

"Jeff P." wrote:
> I've been messing with this for a little while now, but I can't get this
> to work. How do I match the last occurence of '\' in a string? I want to
> remove the file name from a url (e.g. news/breakingnews/981001b.html -->
> news/breakingnews/ ).
> Here is the simplest version (that doesn't work). It matches the _first_
> backslash.
> import regex
> file_in = open( 'dir.txt', 'r+' )
> for line in file_in.readlines():
> print '/', line )
> Thanks for any help!
> Jeff P.