Mailing List Archive

Safe package removal
After thread: "pip/pip3 confusion and keeping up to date"

Over the years?centuries, have added various packages, using all of:

- distribution-installer (dnf/yum - per apt-get)
- su pip install, and
- (user) pip install

Because Fedora-Linux can be upgraded in-place. an amount of 'crud'
hangs-about 'forever'.

Accordingly, python -m pip list --outdated shows about as many entries
as python - m pip list!

Have (comparatively recently) standardised that projects not inside a VM
or Container, will be managed by Poetry. (It's working well!)

Can all (user) pip installs be safely removed, 'just like that'?

How can one ascertain if system (su/sudo) pip installed packages can be
removed - or are used by the op-sys/some important application?

Similarly, if one can uninstall those originally installed using the
distribution-installer, or if something, somewhere, will 'break'?
(yes, there's an upgrade to Fedora 38 in "The Backlog")
