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Programming variability experiment [was: Re: Pointers to variables]
Randall Hopper wrote:
> How can I cause a reference to the variables to be stored in the tuples
> instead of their values?

Impressive! All four solutions look the same!

This reminds me of an experiment I would like
to see:

- Take a few simple (scripting) problems.
- Give it to some (3,5,10,100 the more the better)
programmers with different levels of experience.
- Let them write little programs and tell them
they should find a simple solution
(no optimization tricks, no unnecessary
generalizations etc.).
- Do this for different languages and compare
the variability and readability (by letting a
control group try to read and understand the
code) of the solutions.

This would be another quality criterion for
languages. It would be also interesting how
the solutions of experienced programmers
differ from beginners (for one language).

''''\ Michael Scharf
` c-@@ TakeFive Software
` >
\_ V