Mailing List Archive

Roundup et al.
Hi -- there was some talk on this list earlier about nosy
lists, managing patches, and such things, so i just wanted
to mention, for anybody interested, that i threw together
Roundup very quickly for you to try out.

There's a tar file there -- it's very messy code, and i
apologize (it was hastily hacked out of the running
prototype implementation), but it should be workable
enough to play with. There's a test installation to play
with at

Dummy user:password pairs are test:test, spam:spam, eggs:eggs.

A fancier design, still in the last stages of coming
together (which will be my submission to the Software
Carpentry contest) is up at

and i welcome your thoughts and comments on that if you
have the spare time (ha!) and generous inclination to
contribute them.

Thank you and apologies for the interruption.

-- ?!ng

"To be human is to continually change. Your desire to remain as you are
is what ultimately limits you."
-- The Puppet Master, Ghost in the Shell