Mailing List Archive

1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes
Here is a new list of things that will change in the next release.
Thanks to all the people who gave me hints and information!
If you have anything you think I missed, or mistreated, please e-mail
me personally -- I'll post an updated version soon.

A lot of bug-fixes, some optimizations, many improvements in the documentation

Core changes
Deleting objects is safe even for deeply nested data structures.

Long/int unifications: long integers can be used in seek() calls, as slice
indexes. str(1L) --> '1', not '1L' (repr() is still the same)

Builds on NT Alpha

UnboundLocalError is raised when a local variable is undefined
long, int take optional "base" parameter

string objects now have methods (though they are still immutable)

unicode support: Unicode strings are marked with u"string", and there
is support for arbitrary encoders/decoders

"in" operator can now be overriden in user-defined classes to mean anything:
it calls the magic method __contains__

New calling syntax: f(*args, **kw) equivalent to apply(f, args, kw)

Some methods which would take multiple arguments and treat them as a tuple
were fixed: list.{append, insert, remove, count}, socket.connect

New modules
winreg - Windows registry interface.
Distutils - tools for distributing Python modules
robotparser - parse a robots.txt file (for writing web spiders)
linuxaudio - audio for Linux
mmap - treat a file as a memory buffer
sre - regular expressions (fast, supports unicode)
filecmp - supersedes the old and modules
tabnanny - check Python sources for tab-width dependance
unicode - support for unicode
codecs - support for Unicode encoders/decoders

Module changes
re - changed to be a frontend to sre
readline, ConfigParser, cgi, calendar, posix, readline, xmllib, aifc, chunk,
wave, random, shelve, nntplib - minor enhancements
socket, httplib, urllib - optional OpenSSL support
_tkinter - support for 8.1,8.2,8.3 (no support for versions older then 8.0)

Tool changes
IDLE -- complete overhaul

(Andrew, I'm still waiting for the expat support and integration to add to
this list -- other than that, please contact me if you want something less
telegraphic <wink>)
Moshe Zadka <>. -- we put the penguin in .com
Re: 1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes [ In reply to ]

I would highlight those bits that are likely to warrant a little closer
scrutiny. The list.{append,insert,...} and socket.connect change certainly
qualify. Perhaps split the Core Changes section into two subsections, one
set of changes likely to require some adaptation and one set that should be

Skip Montanaro | |
Re: 1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes [ In reply to ]
See what I've done to Moshe's list:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Re: 1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes [ In reply to ]
Guido> See what I've done to Moshe's list:

Looks good. Attached are a couple nitpicky diffs.

Re: 1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes [ In reply to ]

Guido van Rossum :
> See what I've done to Moshe's list:

Very fine, but I have a few small annotations:

1.'linuxaudio' has been renamed to 'linuxaudiodev'

2.The following text:

"_tkinter - support for 8.1,8.2,8.3 (no support for versions older than 8.0)."

looks a bit misleading, since it is not explicit about Version 8.0.x
I suggest the following wording:

"_tkinter - supports Tcl/Tk from version 8.0 up to the current 8.3.
Support for versions older than 8.0 has been dropped."

3.'src/Tools/i18n/' by Barry should be mentioned. This is
a very useful utility. I suggest to append the following text:

"New utility -- Python equivalent of xgettext(1).
A message text extraction tool used for internationalizing
applications written in Python"

Regards, Peter
Re: 1.5.2 -> 1.6 Changes [ In reply to ]
Peter Funk writes:
> I suggest the following wording:
> a very useful utility. I suggest to append the following text:

I'm beginning to figure this out -- you really just want to get
published! ;)
You forgot the legelese. ;(


Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives