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Re: ob_refcnt access (fwd)
FYI, my second message on this issue didn't reach the list because
of a stupid error of mine, so Guido and I exchanged two mails
in private. His response to the msg below was that he thinks
that tweaking the refcount scheme at this level wouldn't contribute
much and that he doesn't intend to change anything on this until 2.0
which will be rewritten from scratch.

Besides, if I want to satisfy my curiosity in hacking the refcounts
I can do it with a small patch because I've already located the places
where the ob_refcnt slot is accessed directly.

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Re: Re: ob_refcnt access (fwd) [ In reply to ]
Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> FYI, my second message on this issue didn't reach the list because
> of a stupid error of mine, so Guido and I exchanged two mails
> in private. His response to the msg below was that he thinks
> that tweaking the refcount scheme at this level wouldn't contribute
> much and that he doesn't intend to change anything on this until 2.0
> which will be rewritten from scratch.
> Besides, if I want to satisfy my curiosity in hacking the refcounts
> I can do it with a small patch because I've already located the places
> where the ob_refcnt slot is accessed directly.

Well, one Euro on that issue:

> > #define _Py_GETREF(op) (((PyObject *)op)->ob_refcnt)
> > #define _Py_SETREF(op, n) (((PyObject *)op)->ob_refcnt = (n))
> >
> > Comments?
> Of course, the above should be (PyObject *)(op)->ob_refcnt. Also, I forgot
> to mention that if this detail doesn't hurt code aesthetics, one (I) could
> experiment more easily all sort of weird things with refcounting...

I think if at all, this should be no typecast to stay safe.
As long as every PyObject has a refcount, this would be correct
and checked by the compiler. Why loose it?

#define _Py_GETREF(op) ((op)->ob_refcnt)

This carries the same semantics, the same compiler check, but
adds a level of abstraction for future changes.

> I formulated the same wish for malloc & friends some time ago, that is,
> use everywhere in the core PyMem_MALLOC, PyMem_FREE etc, which would be
> defined for now as malloc, free, but nobody seems to be very excited
> about a smooth transition to other kinds of malloc. Hence, I reiterate
> this wish, 'cause switching to macros means preparing the code for the
> future, even if in the future it remains intact ;-).

I wish to incref this wish by mine.
In order to be able to try different memory allocation
strategies, I would go even further and give every
object type its own allocation macro which carries
info about the object type about to be allocated.
This costs nothing but a little macro expansion
for the C compiler, but would allow to try
new schemes, without always patching the Python source.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer :^) <>
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