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A "real" continuation example
I'm home sick today, so tortured myself <0.9 wink>.

Sam mentioned using coroutines to compare the fringes of two trees, and I
picked a simpler problem: given a nested list structure, generate the leaf
elements one at a time, in left-to-right order. A solution to Sam's problem
can be built on that, by getting a generator for each tree and comparing the
leaves a pair at a time until there's a difference.

Attached are solutions in Icon, Python and Scheme. I have the least
experience with Scheme, but browsing around didn't find a better Scheme
approach than this.

The Python solution is the least satisfactory, using an explicit stack to
simulate recursion by hand; if you didn't know the routine's purpose in
advance, you'd have a hard time guessing it.

The Icon solution is very short and simple, and I'd guess obvious to an
average Icon programmer. It uses the subset of Icon ("generators") that
doesn't require any C-stack trickery. However, alone of the three, it
doesn't create a function that could be explicitly called from several
locations to produce "the next" result; Icon's generators are tied into
Icon's unique control structures to work their magic, and breaking that
connection requires moving to full-blown Icon coroutines. It doesn't need
to be that way, though.

The Scheme solution was the hardest to write, but is a largely mechanical
transformation of a recursive fringe-lister that constructs the entire
fringe in one shot. Continuations are used twice: to enable the recursive
routine to resume itself where it left off, and to get each leaf value back
to the caller. Getting that to work required rebinding non-local
identifiers in delicate ways. I doubt the intent would be clear to an
average Scheme programmer.

So what would this look like in Continuation Python? Note that each place
the Scheme says "lambda" or "letrec", it's creating a new lexical scope, and
up-level references are very common. Two functions are defined at top
level, but seven more at various levels of nesting; the latter can't be
pulled up to the top because they refer to vrbls local to the top-level
functions. Another (at least initially) discouraging thing to note is that
Scheme schemes for hiding the pain of raw call/cc often use Scheme's macro

may-not-be-as-fun-as-it-sounds<wink>-ly y'rs - tim

Here's the Icon:

procedure main()
x := [[1, [[2, 3]]], [4], [], [[[5]], 6]]
every writes(fringe(x), " ")

procedure fringe(node)
if type(node) == "list" then
suspend fringe(!node)
suspend node

Here's the Python:

from types import ListType

class Fringe:
def __init__(self, value):
self.stack = [(value, 0)]

def __getitem__(self, ignored):
while 1:
# find topmost pending list with something to do
while 1:
if not self.stack:
raise IndexError
v, i = self.stack[-1]
if i < len(v):

this = v[i]
self.stack[-1] = (v, i+1)
if type(this) is ListType:
self.stack.append((this, 0))

return this

testcase = [[1, [[2, 3]]], [4], [], [[[5]], 6]]

for x in Fringe(testcase):
print x,

Here's the Scheme:

(define list->generator
; Takes a list as argument.
; Returns a generator g such that each call to g returns
; the next element in the list's symmetric-order fringe.
(lambda (x)
(letrec {(produce-value #f) ; set to return-to continuation
(lambda (x)
((null? x) 'nada) ; ignore null
((list? x)
(looper (car x))
(looper (cdr x)))
; want to produce this non-list fringe elt,
; and also resume here
(lambda (here)
(set! getnext
(lambda () (here 'keep-going)))
(produce-value x)))))))
(lambda ()
(looper x)
; have to signal end of sequence somehow;
; assume false isn't a legitimate fringe elt
(produce-value #f)))}

; return niladic function that returns next value
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(set! produce-value k)

(define display-fringe
(lambda (x)
(letrec ((g (list->generator x))
(thiselt #f)
(lambda ()
(set! thiselt (g))
(if thiselt
(display thiselt) (display " ")

(define test-case '((1 ((2 3))) (4) () (((5)) 6)))

(display-fringe test-case)
A "real" continuation example [ In reply to ]
Tim Peters writes:
> The Scheme solution was the hardest to write, but is a largely
> mechanical transformation of a recursive fringe-lister that
> constructs the entire fringe in one shot. Continuations are used
> twice: to enable the recursive routine to resume itself where it
> left off, and to get each leaf value back to the caller. Getting
> that to work required rebinding non-local identifiers in delicate
> ways. I doubt the intent would be clear to an average Scheme
> programmer.

It's the only way to do it - every example I've seen of using call/cc
looks just like it.

I reworked your Scheme a bit. IMHO letrec is for compilers, not for
people. The following should be equivalent:

(define (list->generator x)
(let ((produce-value #f))

(define (looper x)
(cond ((null? x) 'nada)
((list? x)
(looper (car x))
(looper (cdr x)))
(lambda (here)
(set! getnext (lambda () (here 'keep-going)))
(produce-value x))))))

(define (getnext)
(looper x)
(produce-value #f))

(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(set! produce-value k)

(define (display-fringe x)
(let ((g (list->generator x)))
(let loop ((elt (g)))
(if elt
(display elt)
(display " ")
(loop (g)))))))

(define test-case '((1 ((2 3))) (4) () (((5)) 6)))
(display-fringe test-case)

> So what would this look like in Continuation Python?

Here's my first hack at it. Most likely wrong. It is REALLY HARD to
do this without having the feature to play with. This presumes a
function "call_cc" that behaves like Scheme's. I believe the extra
level of indirection is necessary. (i.e., call_cc takes a function as
an argument that takes a continuation function)

class list_generator:

def __init__ (x):
self.x = x
self.k_suspend = None
self.k_produce = None

def walk (self, x):
if type(x) == type([]):
for item in x:
self.walk (item)
self.item = x
# call self.suspend() with a continuation
# that will continue walking the tree
call_cc (self.suspend)

def __call__ (self):
# call self.resume() with a continuation
# that will return the next fringe element
return call_cc (self.resume)

def resume (self, k_produce):
self.k_produce = k_produce
if self.k_suspend:
# resume the suspended walk
self.k_suspend (None)
self.walk (self.x)

def suspend (self, k_suspend):
self.k_suspend = k_suspend
# return a value for __call__
self.k_produce (self.item)

Variables hold continuations have a 'k_' prefix. In real life it
might be possible to put the suspend/call/resume machinery in a base
class (Generator?), and override 'walk' as you please.

RE: A "real" continuation example [ In reply to ]
[Sam, takes up the Continuation Python Challenge]

Thanks, Sam! I think this is very helpful.

> ...
> It's the only way to do it - every example I've seen of using call/cc
> looks just like it.

Same here -- alas <0.5 wink>.

> I reworked your Scheme a bit. IMHO letrec is for compilers, not for
> people. The following should be equivalent:

I confess I stopped paying attention to Scheme after R4RS, and largely
because the std decreed that *so* many forms were optional. Your rework is
certainly nicer, but internal defines and named let are two that R4RS
refused to require, so I always avoided them. BTW, I *am* a compiler, so
that never bothered me <wink>.

>> So what would this look like in Continuation Python?

> Here's my first hack at it. Most likely wrong. It is REALLY HARD to
> do this without having the feature to play with.

Fully understood. It's also really hard to implement the feature without
knowing how someone who wants it would like it to behave. But I don't think
anyone is getting graded on this, so let's have fun <wink>.

Ack! I have to sleep. Will study the code in detail later, but first
impression was it looked good! Especially nice that it appears possible to
package up most of the funky call_cc magic in a base class, so that
non-wizards could reuse it by following a simple protocol.

from-scratch-every-time-ly y'rs - tim
Re: A "real" continuation example [ In reply to ]
Sam> I reworked your Scheme a bit. IMHO letrec is for compilers, not for
Sam> people.

Sam, you are aware of course that the timbot *is* a compiler, right? ;-)

>> So what would this look like in Continuation Python?

Sam> Here's my first hack at it. Most likely wrong. It is REALLY HARD to
Sam> do this without having the feature to play with.

The thought that it's unlikely one could arrive at a reasonable
approximation of a correct solution for such a small problem without the
ability to "play with" it is sort of scary.

Skip Montanaro | Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music" | Musi-Cal:
RE: A "real" continuation example [ In reply to ]
> So what would this look like in Continuation Python?

> Here's my first hack at it. Most likely wrong. It is
> REALLY HARD to do this without having the feature to play with.

> The thought that it's unlikely one could arrive at a reasonable
> approximation of a correct solution for such a small problem without the
> ability to "play with" it is sort of scary.

Yes it is. But while the problem is small, it's not easy, and only the Icon
solution wrote itself (not a surprise -- Icon was designed for expressing
this kind of algorithm, and the entire language is actually warped towards
it). My first stab at the Python stack-fiddling solution had bugs too, but
I conveniently didn't post that <wink>.

After studying Sam's code, I expect it *would* work as written, so it's a
decent bet that it's a reasonable approximation to a correct solution as-is.

A different Python approach using threads can be built using


from the source distribution. To make that a fair comparison, I would have
to post the supporting machinery from too -- and we can ask
Guido whether worked right the first time he tried it <wink>.

The continuation solution is subtle, requiring real expertise; but the
threads solution doesn't fare any better on that count (building the support
machinery with threads is also a baffler if you don't have thread
expertise). If we threw Python metaclasses into the pot too, they'd be a
third kind of nightmare for the non-expert.

So, if you're faced with this kind of task, there's simply no easy way to
get it done. Thread- and (it appears) continuation- based machinery can be
crafted once by an expert, then packaged into an easy-to-use protocol for

All in all, I view continuations as a feature most people should actively
avoid! I think it has that status in Scheme too (e.g., the famed Schemer's
SICP textbook doesn't even mention call/cc). Its real value (if any <wink>)
is as a Big Invisible Hammer for certified wizards. Where call_cc leaks
into the user's view of the world I'd try to hide it; e.g., where Sam has

def walk (self, x):
if type(x) == type([]):
for item in x:
self.walk (item)
self.item = x
# call self.suspend() with a continuation
# that will continue walking the tree
call_cc (self.suspend)

I'd do

def walk(self, x):
if type(x) == type([]):
for item in x:

where "put" is inherited from the base class (part of the protocol) and
hides the call_cc business. Do enough of this, and we'll rediscover why
Scheme demands that tail calls not push a new stack frame <0.9 wink>.

the-tradeoffs-are-murky-ly y'rs - tim