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gh-111726: Remove some doctests from sqlite3 docs (#117623)
commit: e338e1a4ec5e43a02447f4ec80320d7fc12b3ed4
branch: main
author: Erlend E. Aasland <>
committer: erlend-aasland <>
date: 2024-04-08T08:11:08Z

gh-111726: Remove some doctests from sqlite3 docs (#117623)

* remove load extension doctest since we cannot skip it conditionally
* remove sys.unraisablehook example; using unraisable hooks is not "an
improved debug experience"

M Doc/library/sqlite3.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/sqlite3.rst b/Doc/library/sqlite3.rst
index b17ac19535df00..9b857b068388d6 100644
--- a/Doc/library/sqlite3.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/sqlite3.rst
@@ -394,29 +394,11 @@ Module functions
will get tracebacks from callbacks on :data:`sys.stderr`. Use ``False``
to disable the feature again.

- Register an :func:`unraisable hook handler <sys.unraisablehook>` for an
- improved debug experience:
- .. testsetup:: sqlite3.trace
- import sqlite3
+ .. note::

- .. doctest:: sqlite3.trace
- >>> sqlite3.enable_callback_tracebacks(True)
- >>> con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
- >>> def evil_trace(stmt):
- ... 5/0
- ...
- >>> con.set_trace_callback(evil_trace)
- >>> def debug(unraisable):
- ... print(f"{unraisable.exc_value!r} in callback {unraisable.object.__name__}")
- ... print(f"Error message: {unraisable.err_msg}")
- >>> import sys
- >>> sys.unraisablehook = debug
- >>> cur = con.execute("SELECT 1")
- ZeroDivisionError('division by zero') in callback evil_trace
- Error message: None
+ Errors in user-defined function callbacks are logged as unraisable exceptions.
+ Use an :func:`unraisable hook handler <sys.unraisablehook>` for
+ introspection of the failed callback.

.. function:: register_adapter(type, adapter, /)

@@ -1068,13 +1050,10 @@ Connection objects
.. versionchanged:: 3.10
Added the ``sqlite3.enable_load_extension`` auditing event.

- .. testsetup:: sqlite3.loadext
- import sqlite3
- con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+ .. We cannot doctest the load extension API, since there is no convenient
+ way to skip it.

- .. testcode:: sqlite3.loadext
- :skipif: True # not testable at the moment
+ .. code-block::


@@ -1098,14 +1077,6 @@ Connection objects
for row in con.execute("SELECT rowid, name, ingredients FROM recipe WHERE name MATCH 'pie'"):

- con.close()
- .. testoutput:: sqlite3.loadext
- :hide:
- (2, 'broccoli pie', 'broccoli cheese onions flour')
- (3, 'pumpkin pie', 'pumpkin sugar flour butter')
.. method:: load_extension(path, /, *, entrypoint=None)

Load an SQLite extension from a shared library.

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