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ANN: Training - Professional Testing with pytest and tox
Professional Testing with pytest and tox

What: An in-depth pytest and tox course
When: June 24 - 26, 2013
Where: Python Academy, Leipzig, Germany
Who: Holger Krekel

You always write tests for your code, even before you write the
code itself, right? If yes, than you can learn how to do this with
the help of pytest [1] and tox [2]. These smart Python tools help you
to make your tests better. If you don't write tests yet, you can learn
how to do this on a professional level right from the beginning.

Join Holger Krekel, the author of pytest and tox, when he explains
how to integrate testing and deployment using real-world examples.
Learn what it means to do pythonic testing by taking advantage of
Python's philosophy to make simple things simple and complex things
possible. Bring your own problems to be discussed in the course.

The course is offered in Leipzig, Germany. This city has about half
a million inhabitants and provides a very rich cultural life.
It was the home of the first two PyCon DE conferences in 2011 and 2012.
The teaching location can be easily reached via car or public
transportation. Leipzig is very well connected to the German Autobahn
and railway systems. The airport is only 15 taxi minutes away from the
training location. There are plenty of reasonably priced hotels nearby.


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