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PythonOnWheels (PoW)

I am announcing PythonOnWheels. (short PoW)

Projectname: PythonOnWheels
Motto: We are only on wheels but it feels like having wings ;)

A quick and easy to use generative Web framework for python.

STOP: I know what you are thinking: " What the world doen't need are more
lawyers and python web frameworks"

And you are right. But I am announcing this mostly to get feedback from
the community. Any feedback is welcome.

Some years ago I saw a screencast about ruby on rails and that really blew my
mind. I Searched something equivalant for python but found only micro or mega
So I think there is even some space for PoW. Besides the fun I had and have developing it ;)
The idea is to make the developer focus on his/her App instead of the framework.

List of Features (not complete)
* Model View Controller
* Uses the well proven Ruby On Rails principles
** convention over configuration
** generate_model, generate_controller, generate_migration
* Scaffolding dabei
** generate_scaffold
* JQuery integration
* Responsive Layout based on Twitter Bootstrap
* Lightweight - simple and easy to use
* Nose Tests
* automatically generate for you. runtest script to run them
* Database Migrations
* web app generation with batteries included:
** Session support
** basic authentication (Beta 2)
* Runs with Apache & mod_wsgi
* includes a ready to run simple_server
* full environment on your laptop, mac or pc

Coming for Beta 1:
* Observer pattern
* Validation (as a plugin)

Weblog with PythonOnWheels in 10 minutes. ->


Get it on Github:

(Be sure to take the beta1 branch (as of 03.08.20120))


I did not reinvent the wheel but rely on the brilliant and proven standards out there
so PoW (and you) will need:

webob (pip or easy_install)
Mako (pip or easy_install)
Beaker (pip or easy_install)
SQLAlchemy (pip or easy_install)
nose (pip or easy_install)

So, that's all folks ;)

I am really appreciating any feedback. reply to this or email to

best regards,

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