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Re: beta1 patch plans
>>>>> "andy" == Andy Dougherty <> writes:

andy> Document, document, document. Improvements, expansions, and
andy> clarifications of existing or nonexisting documentation are certainly
andy> welcome. Many of the standard modules have not pod documentation. Please
andy> adopt-a-module and document it. Announce your intentions so that no one
andy> else duplicates your work.

I was just about adopting a module when MakeMaker hassles suggested
bugfixing instead.

To help finding volunteers, here's the list [*]...


Ok, I take Liblist and Miniperl.

andy> Submit patches against 5.001beta1 (preferably +my patches on CPAN). This
andy> is a selfish request on my part. If you have something and submit it in
andy> another form (or put it on CPAN) then I have to go and fetch it, generate
andy> the patch, sort out rejects, write the commentary/explanations, and then
andy> post the patch. If you can save me the work and the time, I'll be very
andy> grateful.

Is it the fetching from CPAN that bothers you or the format as a
.tar.gz? My patch against perl5.002beta1 will be about 15 k gzipped
(because of the alphabetized attribute list). For me it isn't a
problem to produce both a .tar.gz for MakeMaker and a patch against
beta1, but I thought a full MM distribution would help you more. Sorry
that it didn't. I don't think, mailing the patches to p5p is
appropriate. Did you want to say, that the patches should be mailed to
you directly?

andy> Andy Dougherty


Found with this program:
% perl -e '
use File::Find;
return unless /\.pm$/;
open PM, $_ or die "open $_: $!";
while (<PM>){/^=/ and return;}
print " $File::Find::name\n";
}, ".");