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Perl 5.36.1-RC3 is now available!
Generally, no clear opinions exist as to the usefulness of mental work
in order to acquire a good technique. We do not seem to know exactly
what it means or how to develop technique through "brain work."
Technique, when playing an instrument, means controlling the fingers.
Generally, it is used only in a limited sense regarding fluency, rapid
execution of difficult passages and steady aim.
In order to acquire a perfect technique through brain work, an exact
impression of the note picture upon the mind is the first problem which
we must solve. Thereafter we should busy ourselves with the study in
question, as to fingering, touch, note value, etc., to achieve
perfection along these lines in the broadest sense. This occurs
quickest and completely through intensive concentration of all
intellectual powers and is, therefore, strenuous brain work.

-- Karl Leimer & Walter Gieseking, trans. Frederick C. Rauser,
"Rhythmics, Dynamics, Pedal and Other Problems of Piano Playing"

We are happy to announce the third release candidate of version 36.1,
the first maintenance release of version 36 of Perl 5.

You will soon be able to download Perl 5.36.1-RC3 from your favourite
CPAN mirror or find it at:

SHA256 digests for this release are:



You can find a full list of changes in the file "perldelta.pod" located
in the "pod" directory inside the release and on the web.

***Please, please, please*** test your code against perl-5.36.1-RC3.
This is your last chance to point out any critical regressions before
v5.36.1 ships "for real," and we'd rather fix things for v5.36.1 than
for v5.36.2!

The final v5.36.1 is still expected to ship on 23rd April.

Steve Hay