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Re: Type dispatch in object creation
[.courtesy cc of this posting sent to cited author via email]

In comp.lang.perl.misc, (Dov Grobgeld) writes:
:I have started to write an image manipulation library for Perl and I
:decided to try to make it object oriented. This is my first real
:effort to write object oriented perl and I have some questions about
:I feel that I have the need to create several constructors with inputs
:of different type. E.g.
: $img1 = Image::new($filename); # The image is read from filename
: $img2 = Image::new($img1); # Image copying
: $img3 = Image::new([$type, $width, $height, $data]); # The image
: # Is created from a list reference.
:This obviously means that I have to do a "type switch" in the
:beginning of the Image::new function to figure out what type of
:parameters there are. Has anybody done this in any of the Perl
:Can the second form above be handled by overloading of the assignment
:operator? Is such an overloading at all possible? It worries me that
: $a = Complex::new(1,1);
: $b = Complex::new(2,2);
: $c = Complex::new(3,3);
: $d = Complex::new(4,4);
: $c = $a;
: $d = $a + $b;
:$c becomes just a another reference to the object $a, whereas $d is
:a new independent object.

Hm... you mean lest someone should change $a and inadvertently
affect $c? Perhaps a copy constructor would be good here, but that
seems heavy handed. I'll CC the perl-porters list for advice.

One thing though; you seem making a common mistake:

$a = Module::new();

Is a simple module call. It is *NOT* a class object call. It
gets no arguments, does no inheritance, etc.

On the other hand, this is:

$a = Module->new();

This time, new() gets an implicit extra $self argument of 'Module',
and inheritance is used to locate it.

One way I've seen to avoid letting people screw this up
is like this:

package Module;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter Module::__private__);

package Module::__private__;

### all methods go here ###

sub new { } # make sure to use 2-arg bless

I'm not sure what downsides there are to this, but
it stops anyone from accidentally miscalling methods
as functions.
Tom Christiansen Perl Consultant, Gamer, Hiker

150 years ago everybody was a Christian Scientist. --dmr
Re: Type dispatch in object creation [ In reply to ]
Tom Christiansen writes:
> In comp.lang.perl.misc,
> (Dov Grobgeld) writes:
> :Can the second form above be handled by overloading of the assignment
> :operator? Is such an overloading at all possible? It worries me that
> :in:
> :
> : $a = Complex::new(1,1);
> : $b = Complex::new(2,2);
> : $c = Complex::new(3,3);
> : $d = Complex::new(4,4);
> : $c = $a;
> : $d = $a + $b;
> :
> :$c becomes just a another reference to the object $a, whereas $d is
> :a new independent object.
> Hm... you mean lest someone should change $a and inadvertently
> affect $c? Perhaps a copy constructor would be good here, but that
> seems heavy handed. I'll CC the perl-porters list for advice.

Does not seem people did their homework here... The form
$d = $a + $b;
implies that the class is overload'ed. Overloading implies copy
constructor. See perlovl.{pod,1}, or with newer (not yet
existing ;-) perl.

Well, copy constructor has a default value, so most probably (unless
Complex uses an opaque typemap'ed type) it will do what is needed:
$c = $a
will do a shallow copy, but a consequent $a++ will call a copy
constructor, which may do a deep copy or die, depending on
implementation of Complex.
