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pod2html mangles S<text>
I'm running perl5.001m, HPUX.

I've found that pod2html converts something like
S<non breaking space>
S<non breaking space&gt;
Which then causes an undetermined amount of text to be munched
by an HTML viewer (ie, netscape).

I don't have a fix or workaround.

Rolan Christofferson email :
Auto-trol Technology Corporation voice : (303) 252-2429
Re: pod2html mangles S<text> [ In reply to ]
> I'm running perl5.001m, HPUX.
> I've found that pod2html converts something like
> S<non breaking space>
> into
> S<non breaking space&gt;
> Which then causes an undetermined amount of text to be munched
> by an HTML viewer (ie, netscape).
> I don't have a fix or workaround.

First, grab the latest version from Metronet.

Then apply this patch, inside the sub findrefs.

$$thing=~s:L<([a-zA-Z][^\s\/]+)(\([^\)]+\))>:the I<$1>$2 manpage:g;
$$thing=~s/([CIBF])<(\W*?(-?\w*).*?)>/picrefs($1, $2, $3, $htype)/ge;
+ $$thing=~s/(S)<([^\/]\W*?(-?\w*).*?)>/picrefs($1, $2, $3, $htype)/ge;
$$thing=~s/((\w+)\(\))/picrefs("I", $1, $2,$htype)/ge;
(($$thing eq $orig) && ($htype eq "NAME")) &&

(i.e. - add the line with the "+" in front of it.)

I'll make it official tonight from home, and replace the current metronet
version, including (finally) adding a version number.

Andy, I'll deliver a patch from pod2html.SH in patch 1m tonight.
