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2 bugs for the price of one
consider this code:

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # test bugger
4 $x = 0;
6 $i++;
8 for ($i = 0; $i/$j < 100; $i++) {
9 $k = 0;
10 last if $i/0;
11 $k++;
12 }
13 print "darn";

If you run this, the div-by-zero problem is reported at line 12 instead of line 8.
Also, if you run it in the debugger, the debugger fails to catch the exception
and bails out unexpectedly.

Re: 2 bugs for the price of one [ In reply to ]
> If you run this, the div-by-zero problem is reported at line 12 instead
> of line 8.

`for' needs in general to be fixed up.

Here is a more serious `for + lexical' bug, reported at 2 May 1995:

#!/local/perl5/bin/perl -wl
$x = "a";
for (my $x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) {
print $x; # prints a, 1, 2
print $x; # prints 0
print $x; # prints 3

Output should be 0, 1, 2, 3, a.

It warns `Argument "a" isn't numeric for numeric lt at line 6.'


Re: 2 bugs for the price of one [ In reply to ]
> `for' needs in general to be fixed up.

Here's another one. Larry, if it's feasible, I would like to request a
warning from the compiler when someone writes:

for ($i = 0, $i < 10, $i++) {


When they surely meant:

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {


rather than:

foreach $_ ( ($i = 0), ($i < 10), ($i++) ) {

