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A Heisenbug?
I am trying to run OpenSSH 2.1.0 on Solaris 2.6. It seems to have what
I call a Heisenbug. It only fails as long as you are not looking at it:

1) I run it as "sshd -f /etc/some-config-file".
I can login, a "ps -ef | grep sshd" shows the parent and
the child. When I exit, the child dies, but so does the
2) I run it with "sshd -d ..." and this tells me nothing.
3) I "truss -f -p ..." the running parent and I see that it
seems to do an "exit(0)".
4) I use gdb and attach to the running parent and IT WORKS

Every sshd running under gdb works fine, every sshd started normally
dies. I guess I need to start sshd with gdb every time ;-).

Any ideas?

Gary Algier, WB2FWZ +1 856 787 2758
Ulticom Inc., 1020 Briggs Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Fax:+1 856 866 2033

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