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New liblogin 0.3alpha
FYI a new version of liblogin, 0.3alpha, is up on my website at

This version fixes a few bugs and has implementations for the full API,
including 'get last login time' support, even for systems without

New OpenSSH patches against 1.2.2 are also available, to enable the last
login time features. Again, the function (in this case
get_last_login_time() ) reduces to four lines as the busy-work is
shipped out of openssh-main and into the library.

It's tested and running well on Linux, OpenBSD, HPUX10.20 and
Solaris. Please check it out, and let me know how you get on. I'm
particularly keen to see how it does on other platforms.

The main todo right now is to add support for systems that don't define
_PATH_UTMP etc. This will probably require file checks, which is a shame
because I then lose the ability to cross-compile easily. Oh, well.

Andre Lucas <>