Mailing List Archive

Solution to mySQL compile-troubles

I see several have some hard time compiling the latest CVS version of
You'll get an error saying something like:
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ntop-current/ntop/main.c:212: undefined reference
.libs/ undefined reference to `mySQLupdateHostNameInfo'
.libs/ undefined reference to `mySQLnotifyTCPSession'
.libs/ undefined reference to `closemySQLsocket'
.libs/ undefined reference to `mySQLupdateHostTraffic'
.libs/ undefined reference to `mySQLnotifyHostCreation'
.libs/ undefined reference to `mySQLupdateDBOSname'

This is because of an error in the mysql.c file:
At the top of the file, (right below the comments) you'll see the
#ifdef-statement of HAVE_MYSQL. Unfortunally, this statement is set in the
ntop.h file, but that file is not included before #ifdef-statement.

So the short fix-me version is:
Remove the #ifdef statement to below the #include-statements.

I have sent a patch a week ago, but I think he has missed it..

Hope it helps.

Vidar Hoel -