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i've installed ntop-1.3.1-2 on a linux redhat 7.0 i686 server.
ntop starts into the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntop file:
daemon ntop ip -i "eth1" -d -r 600 -m "" -w 3000 -P

The server is based between the firewall and the inside main router. The
ethernet card is connected on a port of the switch which monitors the
entire traffic inside/outside of our domain. Every machine in the inside
domain has an IP address: 10.n.0.x/
My problem is: when i consult an inside host info ( like ), i
get the following answer:
Remote (outside specified/local subnet)
and when i click on L --> R IP traffic, i get:
no data to display
I get all traffic information in R --> L IP traffic

What's wrong ?

Thank's in advance.

Best regards.


Jean-Laurent SOLTNER
Universite de Haute Alsace Tel : +(33)3 89 33 64 98
Centre de Ressources Informatiques Fax : +(33)3 89 33 60 58
6 bis rue des freres Lumiere 68093 MULHOUSE CEDEX