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Looking for post-nat IP with nProbe for Ubiquiti ERL
I am trying to have a traffic and bandwidth analysis setup for my home's
local network. I have nProbe running on my ERL. How do I have nProbe report
the post NAT (i.e. after translation) IP address for the flows? I will be
including my configuration file below. The eth1 interface is where my pppoe
interface is.

--collector none
--interface eth1
--verbose 0
--tcp ""

Using the above configuration file, some flows are using the translated IP
addresses as the IPV4_(SRC/DST_ADDR); but there are more flows that have
their IP addresses set as my WAN IP.

As a test, I streamed a YouTube video on my desktop PC. All flows that were
logged to my ELK setup with a filter of L7_PROTO_NAME:( or were pointing to my router's WAN IP.

For all BitTorrent traffic however, some flows have the IP address for my
VM running the torrent client; but a lot more of them still have the
router's WAN IP.