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what is rib-fib-consistency-check-state

Is this like cisco's consistency checker? i.e. if updates are missing
or incorrect this will catch it. And what does the mismatch threshold
mean, it sounds like you can specify how much mismatching to tolerate?

what is rib-fib-consistency-check-state [ In reply to ]

looks like a hidden command got slipped through. This is only
intended for lab tests where you check if rpd and kernel state
are in sync.


Friday, January 30, 2004, 6:54:17 PM, you wrote:

> Is this like cisco's consistency checker? i.e. if updates are missing
> or incorrect this will catch it. And what does the mismatch threshold
> mean, it sounds like you can specify how much mismatching to tolerate?

> -Scott

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