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Creating a Boot Floppy.
I am having problems creating a boot floppy for a m20. I have a m20 that
is unbootable and need to recover it. I have a SanDisk(SDP3B) 110M flash
card and an install-media image I can dd onto it.I also have a working
m20. The 110M flash works in a Cisco 7200 and is the non "I", exteneded
temp, version of the card Juniper ships.

When I put the card into my working RE I get the following message in my

/kernel: pccard: card inserted, slot 0

This repeats every few seconds and the CLI gets slow due to the kernel
interrupts. It never seems to recognize the card. The card also isn't
visible with fdisk.

What am I doing wrong? Also is there any way I can load a base software
install off of a working RE onto a unbootable RE in the same chassis.
