Mailing List Archive

Script to start Nessus from cron
I created this script for use in running Nessus from cron - I think it may
be useful to some.
It was written for use on Solaris, but should be usable with very minor
tweaking in any Unix.
-- Jeff Apolis

# Scriptname: nessus-scan.ksh
# Purpose: Scan a bunch of hosts and mail the results in an attached file.
# Prerequisite: User must be able to log in to Nessus with no passphrase.
# Usage: nessus-scan.ksh [configuration file] # Conf file argument is
# Author: Jeff Apolis 'jeff at apolis dot org' 8/2/01

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/bin

# Valid report formats are one of text, html, html_graph, tex or nsr
# html_graph is not yet supported in this script.

# Make a sensible file extension from the report format type
EXT=$REPORTFMT ; test "$EXT" = "text" && EXT=txt :

# Target file should list one network or host per line, in the format
x.x.x.1/24 or
# Comments in the target file are preceded by a "#"
# We will use the first command line argument as the target file if it is
# otherwise use the default shown

# Read the conf file, delete comments, place all on one line
ALLHOSTS=$( sed s/\#.*//g $TARGETFILE | xargs )

# One or more space separated email addresses to send the results

# set umask so our temp files are not readable by mere mortals
umask 177

# Function to tidy up if we get killed

# trap INT or QUIT signals
trap "cleanup;exit 1" 2 3

# This underpowered box hangs when too many nessuses are running -
#if test -z "$( ps -ef | awk '/nessus / && !/awk/ {print $2}' )" ;then
# echo "nessus client already running -- exiting." >&2
# exit 1

# Function to create the body of text for the result email
mkdescfile ()
Nessus scan started: $DATE
ended: $(date)
Targets scanned are: $TARGET

Errors reported this scan are shown below:


# Here begins the good stuff
for TARGET in $ALLHOSTS ; do
# DATE will hold the start time of the scan
# DATESTAMP is for the filename
DATESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
# nessus errors go here ...
# we want to create a report for each network scanned, so we create a file
with one target network at a time.
# for the filename -- remove the "/xx" from the target specification if it
SHORTTARGET=$(echo $TARGET | sed 's,/.*,,g')
# put together a guaranteed unique, descriptive filename
# Now do the scan
/usr/local/bin/nessus -q -T $REPORTFMT localhost 3001 root $TMPTARGETFILE
# This file will hold the body text of the results email
# call mkdescfile function
# mpack is a program to mail a mime-encoded binary as an attachment to an
# see
/usr/local/bin/mpack -d $DESCFILE -s "Nessus report -- $TARGET -- $DATE "
# call cleanup function
sleep 5
RE: Script to start Nessus from cron [ In reply to ]
From the bash man page:
Here Documents
This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the current
source until a line con-
taining only word (with no trailing blanks) is seen.
Try removing the trailing space after EOF - It's apparently legal in korn
shell but not in bash.

Regarding xargs, you may have to either want to specify the full path to
xargs (/usr/bin/xargs) or expand the PATH
statement to include /usr/bin

-- Jeff Apolis

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Gough []
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:03 PM
To: Apolis, Jeff
Subject: RE: Script to start Nessus from cron

Problems on RedHat 7.0 box using bash shell.

./nessus-scan.ksh[28]: xargs: not found
./nessus-scan.ksh[96]: here document `EOF' unclosed

line 28 is:
ALLHOSTS=$( sed s/\#.*//g $TARGETFILE | xargs )

line 96 is:

any ideas?