Mailing List Archive

Solaris' TTYPROMPT + /bin/login overflow
A method of exploiting the /bin/login overflow on Solaris without
sending any shellcode has been discussed on Bugtraq. Attached is a
script which logs into the remote host as 'bin' and issues the output
of 'cat /etc/passwd'.

This plugin is redundant with plugin #10827, but shows hard proof that
we could log in. Shall I add it to the list of checks ?

-- Renaud
Re: Solaris' TTYPROMPT + /bin/login overflow [ In reply to ]
On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 05:45:41PM +0200, Renaud Deraison wrote:
> A method of exploiting the /bin/login overflow on Solaris without
> sending any shellcode has been discussed on Bugtraq. Attached is a
> script which logs into the remote host as 'bin' and issues the output
> of 'cat /etc/passwd'.
> This plugin is redundant with plugin #10827, but shows hard proof that
> we could log in. Shall I add it to the list of checks ?

or add it to plugin 10827 as a second check.

Michael Scheidell, CEO
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Re: Solaris' TTYPROMPT + /bin/login overflow [ In reply to ]
On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Renaud Deraison wrote:

> This plugin is redundant with plugin #10827, but shows hard proof that
> we could log in. Shall I add it to the list of checks ?

IMHO, you should merge it with #10827. Try to exploit it with
3 possible results:
1. exploitation successful,
2. exploitation not successful but the server crashed,
3. server did not care,
and revert to the old method in case #3.

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak
"Welcome to the Czech Republic. Bring your own lifeboats."