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RFP's whisker wrapper
I just commited in the CVS repository a whisker wrapper plugin.
This plugin just calls whiskers and insert its output in the
report. We should probably be do something smarter with it. If
someone can suggest something...

We have to manage all the options. Currently, we just set -I (IDS
method) and -M (HTTP method)
By the way, the "directory" pref is where you installed whisker. Leave
it empty if Nessusd can find it in $PATH

PS: the snmpwalk wrapper plugin was commited too yesterday.

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FAQNOPI de fr.comp.securite :
Re: RFP's whisker wrapper [ In reply to ]
Michel Arboi <> writes:

> We have to manage all the options.

We now handle:
-h scan single host (IP or domain)
-s specifies the script database file (defaults to scan.db)
-V use virtual hosts when possible
-p specify a different default port to use
-a authorization username[:password]
-I IDS-evasive mode
-M use HEAD [etc.] method
-A alternate db format
-P password file for -L and -U
-U brute force user names via directories

We might use:
-n+ *nmap output (machine format, v2.06+)
-F+ *(for unix multi-threaded front end use only)
-S+ force server version (e.g. -S "Apache/1.3.6")
-i more info (exploit information and such)
-L+ brute force login name/password
(parameter is URL; use with -a for username)

but first, I'd have to understand how they work and what they do :)