Mailing List Archive

Nessus 1.2.3 released
I'm happy to announce the release of Nessus 1.2.3. I strongly suggest
anyone using Nessus 1.2.x to upgrade to this version, as it fixes a bug
which, under some circumstances, would make nessus produce incomplete

Full list of changes :

. changes by Isaac Dawson (idawson at

- New html output layout.

. changes by Pasi Eronen (pasi.eronen at

- fix in nmap_wrapper

. changes by Renaud Deraison (deraison at

- Fixed a bug which could make, under some circumstances, make nessusd

crash the host it is running on.
- If the option log_whole_attack is set to "no", then only the begining

and the end of the attack is logged (and not the time each plugin takes)
- Improved no404.nasl to further reduce false positives

- Bug fix in nessusd - under some rare circumstances, report data could

be lost (if many many plugins were enabled at the same time and were
sending data at the same time).
- UDP packets are resent while we wait for a reply (avoids to loose packets

en route)
- Fixed the option "auto_enable_dependencies" which would not always work

- Sending a SIGTERM to the nessus client during a command line scan