Mailing List Archive

Nessus 1.3.4 is available
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Nessus 1.3.4, which should be the
last 1.3.x version (meaning that I consider it as being stable and I'm waiting
on users feedback to declare it stable enough to be called "Nessus 2.0.0").

I sent a request for missing features on the nessus devel list today, and
I'm re-iterating it : If you think this version of Nessus is lacking something
critical, let me know NOW.

Hopefully the lifetime of Nessus 1.3.4 should be short (one or two weeks), and
I expect to release Nessus 2.0.0 afterwards.

So :

Try this version
Torture it
Let me know what goes wrong for you with it.

What has changed between Nessus 1.3.4 and 1.3.3 :

. changes by Renaud Deraison (deraison at

- Re-written the process manager for the hosts
- Lots of bugfixes in the plugins text store manager

- New port scanner "synscan" which uses the RTT of the packets to do

its job.
- Fixed several small issues in nasl and nessusd (bug fixes, code cleanup)
- Added cryptographic hashing functions in NASL

- Added the function get_kb_list() which returns the content of a KB

without forking the plugin
- Updated the manpages of nessusd and nasl

. changes by Michel Arboi (mikhail at

- Fixed scanner_get_port() when running in standalone mode
- Fixed possible uninitiliazed memory issues in libnasl