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Nessus 1.3.3 is out
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Nessus 1.3.3.

Nessus 1.3.x is still labelled as 'UNSTABLE', however, there's no showstopper
bug I'm aware of, so you might want to give it a try. Note that in theory,
it should be more gentle with your network, as well as faster.

What is new in Nessus 1.3.3 :

- The 'nessusd' process now takes very little memory, as plugins descriptions

are now stored in a separate file which is loaded when necessary. As a side
effect, nessusd now loads in no time (as it only parses the plugins which
have changed), which make the calls to nessus-update-plugins less costly

- Fixed the new plugins scheduler - if the optimizations were enabled, then

the scan would hang (the error was really stupid). I also improved it and
made it more gentle CPU-wise (although this can be improved even more).
Note that given the way the nessusd <-> client communication is done and
the way this scheduler works, it's no longer possible for the client to
accurately display the name of the plugin which is being run. That might
change in the future, but at this time, don't rely on the names displayed
in the progress bar. (I think I'll remove this feature completely, as
it makes no real sense to show the name of the plugins when they run
in parallel anyway)

- find_services.nes is now much faster, because it forks and divides the

work between its children.

- Various performance fixes / bugs fixes / minor improvements and all.