Mailing List Archive

Nessus 1.2.7 is out !

I'm pleased to announce the availability of Nessus 1.2.7. This new version
is supposed to go faster than the previous one, and it fixes several
small bugs that could have been an annoyance in the past. It also make
nmap_wrapper.nes compatible with Nmap 3.10ALPHA.

I would also like to point out the fact that a new web site has been set up - Please, each time you encounter a bug, fill a report

What is new in Nessus 1.2.7, in comparison to 1.2.6 :

* changes by Renaud Deraison (deraison at
+ Optimized several plugins :

o Web-related checks now use http_recv() instead of recv()
o open_priv_sock_tcp() has a lower timeout
o RPC related checks now use get_rpc_port(), a function
equivalent to libc's getrpcport() but with a much
smaller timeout
o Decreased the default value of checks_read_timeout from
15 to 5
+ Fixed a bug in the plugin selection GUI which would not

refresh the list of plugins of a given family properly
+ Fixed memory leaks in NASL

+ Fixed a bug in nessusd which would make it leak memory when

receiving a SIGHUP ([14]bug#10)
+ Fixed a compatibility problem with Nmap 3.10ALPHA

+ Nessus now accepts nmap's U: and T: notation for the port

range ([16]bug#5)
+ The 'cancel' button of several file selection dialogs of the

client is now working
* changes by Erik Anderson (eanders at
+ Added CVE and BID links, added urls and removed dead links

from the plugins
* changes by Michel Scheidell (scheidell at
+ Improved several SMB-related checks

* changes by Rodolfo Baader (rbaader at
+ Quotes and apostrophes are properly escaped in the XML output


Nessus 1.2.7 is available at

-- Renaud