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Re: Had an idea? Would a more experienced person share info?
On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 05:23 AM, shredder wrote:

> Seeing as I am well and truly a newbie, to both Linux & Myth, does
> someone who has setup a system (Jarod & Co come to mind as I have a
> Pundit)Wish to work along side me and make the documentation easy for
> the first time user. I am sure it wouldbenefitmany people, I can think
> of two who are struggling as much as I am.
> Others could contribute variations on a theme, cards,Linux
> versions. I would also be willing to host this information as I have a
> spare site sitting doing nothing.

Documentation is really trickier than you might think. It is great to
write docs targeted to a "newbie" but you will quickly discover than
you must make some compromises. If you wanted to make something someone
really green could follow, you would have to really narrow down your
hardware and software, perhaps down to one specific hardware
configuration and a particular distro. You might only be able to
address one geographical location and channel source too (cable vs
cable box vs satellite). However, in real life people come to the
project with very diverse hardware, with different goals and needs.
Some people want something small, good looking, quiet. Some people want
something cheap and that is all they care about. So if you managed to
make a set of docs that was truly linux/myth beginner friendly, I think
you would end up with something so narrowly targeted hardware and
software wise that it would be only useful to a limited set of people.
If you tried to broaden your goals to include support for different
hardware, different distros, different countries, and different tv
sources I think you would end up with something not that different from
what already exists.

One approach that I think could work would be customized wizard type
docs. You are asked questions about your hardware and software config,
and docs are generated that suit you. However, that would be a ton of
work, and I don't think anyone is up to that right now.

Re: Had an idea? Would a more experienced person share info? [ In reply to ]
Cedar McKay wrote:
> On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 05:23 AM, shredder wrote:
>> Seeing as I am well and truly a newbie, to both Linux & Myth, does
>> someone who has setup a system (Jarod & Co come to mind as I have a
>> Pundit)Wish to work along side me and make the documentation easy for
>> the first time user. I am sure it wouldbenefitmany people, I can think
>> of two who are struggling as much as I am.
>> Others could contribute variations on a theme, cards,Linux
>> versions. I would also be willing to host this information as I have a
>> spare site sitting doing nothing.
> Documentation is really trickier than you might think. It is great to
> write docs targeted to a "newbie" but you will quickly discover than you
> must make some compromises. If you wanted to make something someone
> really green could follow, you would have to really narrow down your
> hardware and software, perhaps down to one specific hardware
> configuration and a particular distro. You might only be able to address

I think the only sort of 'documentation' that would suit a 'true newbie'
is only going to come from a company such as O'Reilly! What is being
asked is no small feat!! Your asking to be taught how/what Unix/Linux is
for a start which is slightly beyond your average HOWTO or FAQ ;) If you
cannot follow Jarod's excellent document ion, then perhaps I would
suggest that what you need is an appliant-ized version of MythTV ( a
bootable, auto-configuring MythTV CD ) which a number of people have
talked about on this list.

> One approach that I think could work would be customized wizard type
> docs. You are asked questions about your hardware and software config,
> and docs are generated that suit you. However, that would be a ton of
> work, and I don't think anyone is up to that right now.

I've tried to gather a number of Install Guides for as diverse a
hardware/OS configurations as possible at
,but again a 'true newbie' would probably be better off with a MythTV CD :)

Having said all that, I've no idea what the state the various attempts
at a CD image are at, anyone?


Mark Cooper - Network Management with Attitude - Open Source PVR Hardware Database