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Re: Mythtivo
Well, lets hope its not dead -- I think its a GREAT idea.
To get it to compile, all I needed to do was to change a line in main.cpp...

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);

// following was: gContext = new MythContext(); (as I recall)
gContext = new MythContext(MYTH_BINARY_VERSION);

Making that one change allowed it to compile and work!

Good Luck,
At 09:01 8/8/2003, you wrote:

>Has anyone gotten Mythtivo to work with Mythtv 0.10? If so, what steps did
>you take to get it compiled and working with it? It seems that you have to
>drop back to MythTV 0.8 to get it compiled and then copy the libs over, but
>I haven't had any success. Is MythTivo just a dead project?

Steven J. Finnegan, President
Controlsoft Corporation
Phone: (760) 747-5632
