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alternate means of brightness control
I have some pretty nasty brightness issues with xv... often i need to
adjust the contrast/brightness but dont have the controls to do it with
(except in mplayer) and actually adjusting them in mplayer seems to also
affect playback of watched recordings in such a way that i put the
settings back to normal in mplayer and its too bright in myth...
needless to say this gets frustrating...

so i understand from reading some posts in the dev list that it is not
possible to have brightness controls using v4l therefore they have been
removed from LiveTV... however what about playback of watched
recordings? would getting those controls mean rebuilding the player up
from scratch or something?

since i am probably in the minority on this feature request i also pose
this question: is there some other app i could run to control the
brightness of xv? preferrably something with hotkeys... ? anything that
might be a workaround if you will, to my constant annoyance of watching
my cartoons too bright? :-)
