Mailing List Archive

What are you using myth for?
I have my MythTV setup in my living room connected to my TV. I use it
for TiVo like functions and for watching movies I have stored on my server

In the process of getting my rig up and working, I subscribed to this
mailing list so I could see what issues others were having and see if
solutions could help me.

But I've noticed that some people have pretty exotic setups and I
would be fasciated to hear more about them. I'm curoious to hear what
people have done to take their MythTV systems beyond just TiVo like stuff.

Re: What are you using myth for? [ In reply to ]
josephc wrote:

>But I've noticed that some people have pretty exotic setups and I
>would be fasciated to hear more about them. I'm curoious to hear what
>people have done to take their MythTV systems beyond just TiVo like stuff.
One of the main reasons why I started to use 'software TV' is the
decoupling of receivement and watching.

At the current apartment, there is no way to get a new cable from the
root (with the sat dish) to my TV/computer, so I am currently limited to
the programs offered on the analog TV cable in the house, fed by the sat
head station on the roof. My only chance for more or better programs is
to place a computer on the roof, connect a sat card to the sat dish, run
a MythTV backend (or similar) there, feed the video stream to computer
via wireless lan and play it there via the MythTV frontend (or similar).

I don't need TV cables running through the apartment/house, only
ethernet (or wireless lan) and power.

Additionally, this allows me to watch TV on every computer, from the
living room to the notebook in the garden.

Finally, given how nasty the TV cards seem to be from the hardware side
(interferences, bus traffic etc.), I don't want such a card to be in my
desktop computer, I need the desktop to be reliable and any new card is
an additional problem source.

This wireless lan and sat dish is not yet working, but the advantage I
have atm is the same as everyone else - to decouple me from TV program,
I can watch stuff when I am in the mood for it, not when it runs on TV.
Re: What are you using myth for? [ In reply to ]
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:20:09 -0400 (EDT) josephc <> wrote:

> I have my MythTV setup in my living room connected to my TV. I use it
> for TiVo like functions and for watching movies I have stored on my server
> upstairs.
> In the process of getting my rig up and working, I subscribed to this
> mailing list so I could see what issues others were having and see if
> their
> solutions could help me.
> But I've noticed that some people have pretty exotic setups and I
> would be fasciated to hear more about them. I'm curoious to hear what
> people have done to take their MythTV systems beyond just TiVo like stuff.

Phone integration is an idea I have tinkered with. As a simple start,
I have created a mythtv menu entry that launches the gvbox
application. Gvbox is a graphical interface to the vboxd daemon. A
suitable lirc configuration for gvbox allows me to listen to, and
administer, recorded messages with the TV remote. A more elegant
approach would be to reimplement the GUI part using mythtv libraries.

Vegard Vesterheim : Phone: +47 73 55 79 12
UNINETT : Fax: +47 73 55 79 01
N-7465 Trondheim, NORWAY : Email:
Re: What are you using myth for? [ In reply to ]
I don't have cable TV at home, so I use mythtv for recording shows at
work (where we have the cable). I have a custom script that downloads
the recorded programs to my home computer, adds the programs to the
mythtv database, and finally deletes them from the computer at work.
